February 2023
[02/12/23 03:04am] I Wanted a New Version
August 2022
[08/26/22 09:04pm] Happy all the Time
March 2022
[03/27/22 04:43pm] Heretic
August 2021
[08/27/21 05:47pm] Hiding From The World
July 2021
[07/28/21 10:03am] Don't Fuck With Me
June 2021
[06/23/21 07:05am] Shining Lights and Ashes[06/15/21 11:30pm] Please Crux[06/15/21 11:12pm] Gamer Girlfriend
April 2021
[04/05/21 10:45pm] After 2 Years
October 2019
[10/24/19 06:51am] It's Not Your Fault
September 2019
[09/08/19 05:24am] Keeping Up
July 2019
[07/06/19 10:11am] Negative Nancy
June 2019
[06/27/19 10:36pm] Words I Don't Mean[06/24/19 10:50pm] Try It On
January 2019
[01/18/19 04:12am] Different Vent Space
July 2018
[07/13/18 12:01am] A New Social Test
April 2018
[04/03/18 05:50am] Working With Kids
November 2017
[11/20/17 04:57pm] Shelter
July 2017
[07/08/17 10:37pm] Storytelling :: Origins[07/08/17 10:08pm] Storytelling :: Samantha
June 2017
[06/29/17 08:49am] Remix[06/13/17 05:52am] Gaia is Unfamiliar
April 2017
[04/02/17 07:10pm] Miss My Dreamcatcher Dreamboat[04/02/17 06:59pm] Broken Heart is All Mine
January 2017
[01/15/17 06:49am] This Isn't Working[01/12/17 10:28am] Sedation[01/06/17 06:10pm] Poem for Stallion
December 2016
[12/27/16 11:52pm] Squish Squash My Heart[12/27/16 10:35pm] In My Heart Is You[12/24/16 09:05am] Cursed Winter Dopple[12/20/16 08:31am] The Holiday Spirits[12/11/16 10:58am] Letting the Stress In
November 2016
[11/29/16 04:39am] Hidden Player
September 2016
[09/12/16 01:22am] Conned the Heart
August 2016
[08/17/16 07:36pm] Summer Is Almost Over Now
July 2016
[07/21/16 09:55am] Seeds that Sprout Desire[07/06/16 07:56am] Employed Ladyface
May 2016
[05/19/16 10:47pm] Judgy[05/19/16 10:16am] Let Me Add[05/19/16 09:09am] A Letter To My Blazing Lover[05/04/16 01:28am] Memorbilia (GIF)
April 2016
[04/16/16 11:16am] It's About What You Can Bring
March 2016
[03/26/16 10:55am] Cry at my Party[03/25/16 07:57am] Let's Get Pretty[03/15/16 08:24am] Guided
February 2016
[02/04/16 07:16am] HORMONES[02/03/16 03:17am] Talk Till 3am[02/02/16 02:25am] Bought Graphics[02/01/16 05:59am] You Dumb Girl
January 2016
[01/24/16 11:29pm] Wildfire[01/20/16 12:41am] Starting the New Year Strangely[01/10/16 09:03am] Counting Starfish[01/09/16 05:53pm] Dreams smothered in bed sheets
December 2015
[12/17/15 08:22am] Stop Time, please[12/14/15 11:45am] First New Day as a Redhead[12/09/15 08:23am] Connections[12/02/15 06:28am] Wildfire Truth
November 2015
[11/16/15 01:10am] On my Mind
October 2015
[10/12/15 03:19am] My Room is a Mess[10/07/15 09:58am] I Still Need to Know
September 2015
[09/08/15 04:17am] Stupid Boys
July 2015
[07/04/15 06:41pm] Hey, it's JULY
June 2015
[06/30/15 12:21am] REcovering[06/09/15 07:51am] TUG OF WAR
May 2015
[05/21/15 11:37am] Last Finals of the Semester
April 2015
[04/21/15 08:12am] Months Too Soon[04/06/15 12:07pm] Shut Up looks like Slut Up
February 2015
[02/24/15 07:54am] Ruins[02/05/15 03:57am] I'm Better[02/02/15 12:40am] Lately
January 2015
[01/18/15 11:38pm] New Characters[01/17/15 08:32am] Walking Past
October 2014
[10/16/14 05:23am] Meh. Oh well
August 2014
[08/21/14 03:18am] Meet me in the Middle[08/11/14 05:23am] Waiting on doorsteps[08/09/14 10:25pm] Fighting Naps[08/04/14 09:23pm] I have been taking my meds
July 2014
[07/22/14 07:49am] Witch Dream[07/22/14 03:56am] Counting Days[07/18/14 10:03pm] Murky poem[07/16/14 05:16am] The Problem[07/15/14 06:51am] Romantic Check List[07/13/14 05:03am] Make this quick
June 2014
[06/29/14 08:33pm] Prison Dream[06/25/14 01:46am] Playing In The Pool[06/21/14 05:25am] Adult Sleepovers[06/15/14 08:35am] Memory Problems[06/05/14 06:05am] Fire and Ice pt. II[06/02/14 03:50am] Slaughtered by Dreams
May 2014
[05/31/14 06:33am] Why Won't You Say Something?[05/29/14 11:44pm] Sorry, Friends[05/29/14 08:06am] Sexy Purple Avatar[05/22/14 01:08am] Mother's Sweet Wine[05/19/14 06:26am] I Don't Know What to Say
March 2014
[03/23/14 06:03am] Possibilities Like Fog[03/15/14 11:49pm] March Madness[03/07/14 08:13am] Sanity
February 2014
[02/26/14 07:51am] Confession[02/26/14 06:03am] Dreams of Dreams
January 2014
[01/30/14 05:46am] Seeing Some Light[01/20/14 10:38am] Overflow[01/09/14 12:28am] Tact[01/07/14 07:25am] 10-24-2011[01/07/14 07:25am] 12-9-2011[01/07/14 07:23am] Old Bio[01/06/14 08:11am] Coping[01/04/14 12:50am] New Year
December 2013
[12/25/13 06:45am] Merry Xmas[12/16/13 07:52pm] Too Close To Hear[12/14/13 07:52pm] Wonderful Weekend[12/02/13 08:20pm] Chisai Yume: Apples Flourish 3
November 2013
[11/30/13 02:12am] Parental Love[11/29/13 10:08pm] Ermigawd Guiz[11/21/13 11:38pm] Avatar Scuzz[11/21/13 01:39am] Spores of Deceit[11/19/13 11:29am] The Molding Shell[11/02/13 10:23pm] Strawberry Air
October 2013
[10/30/13 10:37pm] Trust In Love[10/27/13 09:58am] Memory Fragments[10/27/13 09:43am] I'll Keep On[10/21/13 10:13pm] Whilst at Work[10/21/13 07:44am] Stupid Stupid Hate[10/17/13 09:37am] Old Ships Sailed[10/15/13 07:32am] Meandering[10/08/13 08:57am] It Hurts[10/03/13 12:36am] Homework
September 2013
[09/30/13 09:18pm] Slow Progress[09/30/13 07:03am] My State[09/28/13 07:35am] Defeated[09/27/13 02:14am] Anna Karenna[09/26/13 12:07am] On a Path[09/23/13 07:44pm] Today[09/23/13 10:50am] Piecing Together[09/19/13 07:43am] Late Night[09/17/13 12:43am] Awakening[09/11/13 10:45pm] Managing My Stress
August 2013
[08/26/13 07:45pm] Double Sided Coin[08/21/13 09:59pm] My Secret Letter To You[08/09/13 01:16am] Crisis[08/01/13 01:59am] Suddenly It All Disappears
July 2013
[07/23/13 07:19pm] Possibly a Sign?[07/11/13 10:34am] Music Melody[07/01/13 11:39pm] Abandoned Parking Lots
June 2013
[06/28/13 10:45pm] With Someone in Mind[06/25/13 09:07am] My Days[06/21/13 09:06am] Blackboard[06/19/13 12:45am] Scent Memory[06/17/13 08:06am] Three Weeks Passed[06/10/13 06:19am] Let Me Write You[06/01/13 05:57am] Sickness Dissipating
May 2013
[05/28/13 06:57pm] To My Readers[05/24/13 05:07am] Journal Needed[05/21/13 03:36am] LUST[05/21/13 02:35am] Love Bear[05/17/13 08:53pm] A Drop of Honey[05/17/13 04:28am] A Hard Day[05/08/13 06:31am] I'm Electric[05/08/13 12:53am] Released Saturday
April 2013
[04/27/13 08:49pm] Schedule Example[04/27/13 06:04am] Disappearing State[04/26/13 03:21pm] Log Number Two[04/25/13 03:00am] Lady Love Update[04/22/13 08:01am] D is for Despise[04/20/13 02:33am] Back Underwater[04/19/13 04:09am] Trapped in Mi;nd Prison[04/16/13 12:56pm] Oh My; Oh My[04/12/13 07:41am] My Roleplays[04/08/13 09:46am] And Then My Friend Tequila[04/07/13 12:31pm] There's This Thing Called Vodka[04/05/13 01:21pm] Put This Out There[04/05/13 03:16am] Distressing Out or In[04/02/13 11:11am] These Mornings[04/02/13 05:13am] Heart Racer
March 2013
[03/31/13 05:42am] My Favorite Story of Mine[03/30/13 06:11am] Cold Weather Again[03/29/13 11:12am] Full Moon Blues[03/07/13 11:49am] Being Punished[03/06/13 05:55pm] Civil War Shootout Bonus[03/05/13 10:10am] Time Travel[03/03/13 02:41am] Neck Pain
February 2013
[02/27/13 04:11pm] Last Hours[02/21/13 11:33pm] Speaking of...[02/20/13 08:43am] Malevolent Roots[02/19/13 12:29pm] Spur of the Moment[02/19/13 07:58am] Hamster Wheel[02/13/13 11:53am] Valentine's Day[02/10/13 11:06am] Cruel[02/09/13 02:11pm] Ever Get These?[02/02/13 05:51pm] Don't Wake Up[02/02/13 07:31am] Cookie Dough
January 2013
[01/27/13 12:18pm] Heavy Heart[01/24/13 11:09am] Torturing Myself[01/22/13 01:35pm] (FF) Fighting & Fantasizing[01/18/13 09:44am] Movie Challenge[01/18/13 07:44am] Heart Breaker[01/15/13 11:45am] Get Yourself Together[01/14/13 03:46am] Expression[01/13/13 12:39am] The Debate Continues[01/11/13 09:44am] Bugger Off[01/04/13 09:14pm] What Is it to You[01/02/13 07:09am] Pondering Slueth[01/02/13 02:40am] Nibbling
December 2012
[12/31/12 04:00am] WHAT. THE . FLIP.[12/20/12 09:45am] SAKURA[12/20/12 08:20am] Making Myself Sick[12/19/12 12:18pm] In Your Eyes[12/19/12 11:35am] Bleak[12/19/12 08:59am] Another Feels Vent[12/18/12 10:35am] Poetry Mash[12/16/12 06:31am] Chisai Yume: Unhappiness Revival 2[12/14/12 05:14pm] Dead Fish[12/11/12 01:16pm] Smell that Tastes[12/11/12 06:51am] Touch Me[12/09/12 12:47pm] Healing For Pain[12/05/12 01:37am] Goddess Devine
November 2012
[11/13/12 09:57am] Ease Up[11/06/12 10:50am] Dreaming[11/06/12 08:15am] Monday Night[11/05/12 09:44am] Little Scars[11/04/12 10:31am] Feels
October 2012
[10/26/12 09:32am] Support[10/23/12 01:09pm] Lucious[10/17/12 10:20pm] Chisai Yume: Justica Revival 2[10/04/12 05:27am] The Good Summer[10/01/12 10:24am] Something Sad
September 2012
[09/22/12 08:27am] Bugger[09/18/12 04:17am] Nip and Tuck Night Cream[09/16/12 05:37am] Through the Other Eyes[09/13/12 12:04am] Motivation
August 2012
[08/26/12 09:26am] Gaping Hole[08/23/12 07:01pm] Good Luck Babe[08/22/12 06:50am] What is the Message?[08/18/12 07:38pm] Time Extended[08/15/12 08:53pm] Summer Night Whispers[08/11/12 10:32pm] Roseville House[08/08/12 06:22am] Sunshine Girl[08/02/12 09:05am] I'll Find Peace[08/01/12 03:36am] OOOSSSSSSHHH
July 2012
[07/31/12 07:21am] Oldeaner & Gardenias[07/25/12 11:43pm] Chisai Yume: Insolent Revival 2[07/19/12 12:00am] Haunted[07/16/12 05:52am] Seems To Be True[07/16/12 05:07am] Goal Shot Down?[07/14/12 06:33pm] Teary Eyed[07/14/12 05:06am] Naughty[07/09/12 07:23pm] Phew[07/08/12 11:24pm] STOP THE HEART[07/08/12 08:12pm] When You Wake Up[07/07/12 10:04pm] Turn Around!
June 2012
[06/27/12 07:02am] Take Away[06/27/12 03:10am] Some Nights[06/21/12 07:42am] Wonderful Friends[06/20/12 07:36pm] Grumpus[06/18/12 08:33pm] Self Education
May 2012
[05/29/12 07:12pm] Just Something[05/27/12 03:42am] Creative Desert[05/14/12 12:35pm] You Didn't Hear It From Me[05/09/12 07:52am] Best of Days[05/02/12 05:24am] Oh Shuffle, you so smart
April 2012
[04/30/12 10:45am] Murmers[04/27/12 10:59am] Sigh x 3[04/26/12 09:38am] CONTROL[04/26/12 04:04am] The Affect[04/24/12 12:23am] Chisai Yume: Quaffle Revival 2[04/20/12 08:55am] Nostalgic Tracks[04/17/12 07:56am] Alternately Disconnected[04/11/12 10:04am] Playing Games With My Heart[04/10/12 10:23pm] Second Dream[04/10/12 01:35pm] Dreaming in Song[04/08/12 06:28am] I'd Love To Show You[04/03/12 10:37am] / TABLEFLIP[04/01/12 06:31pm] Yesterday I Had a Salad
March 2012
[03/30/12 09:42am] Two Dreams[03/29/12 11:32am] Nets[03/28/12 12:15am] Sleeper[03/27/12 07:43am] I am Alone and Breaking[03/24/12 09:01am] Dripping[03/24/12 08:18am] INDULGE IN A LITTLE EVIL[03/23/12 06:55am] What To Do Tomorrow?[03/22/12 12:54pm] Breakdown[03/21/12 11:50pm] Productivity[03/21/12 09:43am] Stupid Anime[03/20/12 08:14pm] Was It Two or Three[03/18/12 12:41am] Child[03/16/12 11:50am] Arts Is Hard[03/15/12 04:01am] Warm Naps and Cold Rain[03/07/12 04:21am] Worries[03/04/12 08:06am] Flip It![03/01/12 01:32pm] Frogt It's MOrning Shut Up
February 2012
[02/27/12 05:50pm] Perfection[02/24/12 10:26am] Special Insight[02/24/12 05:18am] I Don't Want To Feel[02/23/12 04:10am] Chisai Yume: Masochist Revival 2 [02/22/12 12:04am] Unstable[02/17/12 05:26am] Vagueness-ness[02/16/12 03:26am] Recovery[02/14/12 09:57pm] Bad Dream[02/12/12 08:38am] Painful Chronicle[02/12/12 07:34am] It's A Circle[02/08/12 03:50am] Not Enough
January 2012
[01/29/12 06:04am] Dreamer[01/26/12 04:56am] Maybe[01/23/12 11:50am] [/ Suffers][01/21/12 01:49am] Rainy Day[01/19/12 01:19am] Sleepless[01/15/12 03:09am] A Project Unfinished[01/12/12 06:53am] Strength[01/09/12 08:52pm] Whims[01/09/12 10:12am] Too Early To Tell[01/08/12 07:46am] Chisai Yume: Stupidity Revival 2[01/05/12 06:22am] My Clockwork[01/04/12 09:45pm] What You Lose[01/03/12 09:03am] How It Works
December 2011
[12/31/11 10:15pm] Little World[12/30/11 11:20am] I Pick My Nose[12/29/11 05:40am] In The Back of My Mind[12/23/11 09:34am] Imma Get You One Day[12/22/11 08:02am] Glory[12/10/11 07:24am] Going Home to Sleep[12/10/11 05:26am] I Want[12/10/11 05:19am] SELFSELFSELF[12/10/11 12:09am] No, Please, No[12/09/11 11:32pm] The Giant is Looming[12/09/11 07:37pm] Surprise Surprise[12/08/11 07:21am] All Things End[12/06/11 07:37am] Listy Doodle[12/05/11 06:09pm] A Releif[12/04/11 06:18am] GUILTY[12/03/11 08:39am] Meanderings[12/03/11 05:51am] Are You Seriously Comparing Yourself To Me?[12/02/11 06:23am] Cursing - Writhing[12/01/11 11:15pm] DESPERATE
November 2011
[11/30/11 11:55pm] Decieved[11/20/11 11:22pm] Another Amazing Dream[11/20/11 10:52am] Fashion: Hairdo's Thus Far[11/17/11 09:24am] I'd Rather Laugh[11/15/11 10:06am] Bugger[11/10/11 08:10am] Time Goes By[11/10/11 07:17am] Fiction is Truth[11/09/11 12:33am] STOOOOOOPID[11/09/11 12:22am] Avoiding My Paper[11/08/11 11:34pm] Intermitten
October 2011
[10/19/11 02:14am] Stop[10/16/11 05:36am] Motivate[10/16/11 05:10am] Stooopid Monkey[10/13/11 09:32pm] Mmmmhm[10/12/11 12:49pm] Around The World 24-9[10/11/11 05:03pm] Probably Just the Morning Talking[10/09/11 10:53am] Spotted[10/09/11 08:54am] Pityfall[10/07/11 10:22pm] Connections[10/05/11 09:41pm] It All Works Out[10/04/11 05:07am] Mother's Birthday[10/01/11 10:50am] Just Kiss Me
September 2011
[09/30/11 02:16am] Cracking Heart[09/26/11 06:32pm] Entwined[09/26/11 09:52am] Techno-logic[09/26/11 06:50am] Stop It[09/25/11 07:15am] Little Bit of Love[09/24/11 10:38pm] Self Satisfaction[09/24/11 09:40am] Who Are You[09/23/11 02:47am] Perhaps?[09/22/11 05:08am] Star Bright[09/21/11 01:34am] Starlight[09/20/11 08:16am] Don't Be Silly[09/19/11 04:48am] Simpering Wife[09/18/11 09:28am] Thankful[09/17/11 05:54am] Shame[09/15/11 08:33pm] Stuck[09/15/11 07:08am] I Feel[09/13/11 05:51pm] Triple Decker Dream[09/12/11 07:22pm] Weekend Recap[09/12/11 07:07pm] Boots for President[09/09/11 05:09am] Dead Bones // Tornado[09/08/11 11:10am] Good Reason[09/08/11 09:54am] Favorite Time of the Year[09/08/11 05:36am] Learn To Fake It[09/07/11 06:13pm] Stunted[09/05/11 12:45am] I Just Realized[09/04/11 07:57am] The Truth[09/04/11 05:22am] I'm A Liar[09/04/11 12:14am] Breathe Slow[09/03/11 11:22am] Aching[09/03/11 10:35am] But Don't Misunderstand[09/03/11 09:03am] WEakness[09/03/11 12:24am] Drinking
August 2011
[08/30/11 07:11pm] Chisai Yume: Vivian Revival 2[08/30/11 12:47am] My Promise Unto You[08/29/11 07:00pm] All Nighter[08/29/11 07:44am] Patching[08/28/11 09:35pm] Social High[08/27/11 08:23am] Collectibles[08/27/11 07:37am] Bragging Rights[08/27/11 07:32am] Lost In Chances[08/26/11 06:26pm] I Will Not Be Perfect[08/26/11 08:48am] Feelings Stalker[08/26/11 12:28am] A Cold Remembrance[08/26/11 12:18am] STAB STAB STAB[08/26/11 12:00am] Homework[08/25/11 06:30am] Look and See[08/25/11 04:26am] Kept Inside and Bundled Up[08/25/11 01:04am] Sweet Nothing Box[08/24/11 12:17am] Sleeping[08/23/11 09:32pm] My Heart[08/23/11 07:34am] Rest Easy[08/22/11 02:03am] Fighting Fear[08/22/11 02:00am] I'm Scared[08/21/11 10:57am] Fear of Falling[08/21/11 10:01am] Your Beloved[08/20/11 10:31am] Self Adoration[08/20/11 09:30am] Finally[08/17/11 08:57am] Acid Heart[08/17/11 02:26am] Breaking Heart[08/17/11 01:10am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[08/16/11 10:39pm] Staring At My Face[08/16/11 07:35am] Rabbit[08/16/11 05:33am] Be Psychic[08/15/11 09:57pm] Burning Eyes[08/13/11 07:36pm] Throw a Fit[08/13/11 06:51pm] The Weeper[08/10/11 08:12am] Shrill Whistle[08/09/11 09:55am] Totally[08/06/11 07:39am] Are You Thinking Right Now?[08/05/11 07:57pm] Try To Pay Attention[08/04/11 10:16pm] My Jar[08/04/11 04:26am] Understanding[08/01/11 09:11am] I'm Yours[08/01/11 05:32am] Starry Night
July 2011
[07/30/11 05:54pm] Last Night[07/30/11 08:31am] BETRAYED[07/30/11 08:06am] Booty Call[07/30/11 06:42am] One of Those Nights[07/27/11 08:26am] Dreaming Awake[07/26/11 10:34am] Picture Frames[07/23/11 05:42pm] (ghost)[07/21/11 09:18am] Mask of Indifference[07/19/11 08:23pm] Going Off Road[07/19/11 11:05am] We Are Tangled[07/16/11 11:04pm] Forget Me (not)[07/16/11 06:58am] I Don't See It[07/14/11 12:46pm] Slowloft[07/14/11 09:32am] My Dirty Needle[07/14/11 09:19am] Giving Away The End[07/12/11 01:24am] For The Concerned[07/11/11 07:22am] Desperation[07/11/11 03:17am] The Hole[07/11/11 01:41am] How I Hurt[07/06/11 08:38am] Cha![07/05/11 07:33am] This Day of Days[07/05/11 04:05am] My Creative Box[07/04/11 06:08am] Emotional Scars[07/03/11 06:46am] The Letter Never Written[07/01/11 07:37pm] You've Got Me Spinning[07/01/11 06:15am] Ever
June 2011
[06/30/11 07:12am] Dearest Moon Where Are You[06/26/11 12:50am] Three Vacations[06/20/11 06:35am] Reality[06/10/11 10:02pm] A Resistance[06/08/11 07:31pm] The Forgotten Truth[06/06/11 04:19am] Deprived
May 2011
[05/31/11 06:31am] Keep a Secret[05/31/11 06:21am] Good Reason to Write[05/25/11 08:55am] FU2[05/19/11 12:42am] And If I Said That?[05/17/11 09:30pm] In Return[05/17/11 09:26am] Sketchy Feelings[05/16/11 06:19am] I'll Contain It[05/16/11 05:56am] Not if I Can Help it[05/16/11 03:31am] The Root of the Problem[05/12/11 07:04am] Get the Sutures[05/11/11 06:18am] Love Junkie[05/09/11 07:27am] Chisai Yume: Cement Revival 2[05/02/11 09:25am] Just Like Vegas[05/02/11 08:34am] Do You Have Time?
April 2011
[04/29/11 07:53am] You Are Lost[04/23/11 06:44am] Not Allowed[04/23/11 03:44am] I Lost[04/22/11 04:22am] You're What I Never Want To Be[04/15/11 08:03am] Re-Invention[04/13/11 06:02am] Your Lack of Caring[04/08/11 06:11am] Dumb Bunny[04/04/11 08:59pm] A New Name to An Old Face[04/02/11 08:45pm] Anarchist Tendency[04/01/11 06:12am] Obsessive Little Monster
March 2011
[03/23/11 08:29am] Were you Talking to me?[03/22/11 10:04am] Come Home[03/16/11 08:53am] Make My Own Problems[03/16/11 07:26am] Aftermath[03/08/11 08:28am] Birthdays[03/04/11 04:40am] Sneaky Me[03/01/11 06:51am] State of Mind[03/01/11 02:42am] But I Won't
February 2011
[02/25/11 04:31pm] Thinking About Those Days[02/21/11 01:05pm] Vampires[02/19/11 06:56am] Chisai Yume: Kryptonite[02/18/11 07:30am] Quick to Whip[02/18/11 04:18am] LIES[02/18/11 03:59am] Admitted Already[02/14/11 08:43am] Where Did I Go Wrong?[02/13/11 11:01am] I Hate You[02/10/11 10:46am] Online Life[02/07/11 04:59am] Scratched[02/04/11 10:06am] I Live To Let You Shine
January 2011
[01/24/11 08:48am] By NO Means[01/24/11 02:03am] I WAS curious[01/24/11 12:58am] Nobody Wins[01/23/11 04:32am] Golden Locket[01/22/11 09:30pm] Beautiful[01/21/11 08:11am] I'm an ADDICT[01/20/11 02:20am] A New Path[01/18/11 04:41am] Heartbreak[01/11/11 10:12pm] Special Update[01/05/11 07:42am] Bound and Caged[01/02/11 04:26am] I Need to Scream
December 2010
[12/31/10 09:10am] Rushing Mind[12/29/10 08:47am] Fickle Vicious[12/25/10 06:02am] Visitation Rights[12/23/10 05:42am] Message[12/22/10 04:09am] .ordinary //[12/22/10 03:25am] I Make Myself NUMB[12/17/10 10:09am] This Is WAR[12/16/10 09:37pm] Hearts Nestled Tight[12/16/10 11:15am] Lament // Repent[12/15/10 03:30am] Don't Ask, Don't Tell[12/14/10 12:24pm] Wishful Thinking[12/13/10 02:52pm] It Hurts[12/13/10 08:16am] RainexOfxDawns[12/13/10 03:08am] Do you know how it feels?[12/12/10 11:18am] Sets of Hundred[12/09/10 11:51am] Chisai Yume: Lightning[12/09/10 11:21am] So Bad[12/07/10 01:32am] And I MISS You[12/06/10 12:49pm] I Miss Your Touch[12/05/10 03:04am] Massive Dream[12/04/10 02:48am] SEPTEMBER[12/02/10 10:07am] Travesty[12/02/10 09:09am] Nana[12/02/10 08:20am] Thuderball[12/01/10 11:16pm] Rotting Thoughts
November 2010
[11/30/10 07:56pm] Stolen Dreams[11/28/10 09:07am] Bright Eyed Sugar[11/27/10 06:52pm] No One is Around You[11/27/10 09:58am] Screaming at a Wall[11/27/10 09:12am] Dear Self[11/18/10 09:39am] Octopus Heart[11/18/10 09:09am] Chokehold of Night[11/10/10 08:19am] Gaspus, you![11/06/10 10:32am] Private Conversation IV[11/04/10 07:42am] Shoot Me If You Can
October 2010
[10/23/10 08:15am] Welocme to the Zoo zoo ZOO[10/23/10 04:26am] Private Conversation III[10/21/10 12:22pm] Private Conversation II[10/21/10 12:04pm] Private Conversation[10/21/10 11:18am] I'm Still Breathing[10/10/10 02:16am] Chisai Yume: Heartburn[10/07/10 03:50pm] No Longer Visiting[10/05/10 08:53am] A Month
September 2010
[09/10/10 09:23am] This Love and Hate[09/01/10 10:59am] SAILOR MOOOOOON
August 2010
[08/31/10 06:40pm] Murder Clock[08/28/10 05:13am] Paradise[08/26/10 05:29am] Sudden Burst[08/26/10 03:27am] Rant[08/25/10 08:27pm] Send me an Angel[08/13/10 06:34pm] Posting[08/10/10 09:59pm] Models[08/05/10 12:21am] Welcome Back
June 2010
[06/27/10 01:28am] OC AB: Supporting Cast[06/27/10 01:21am] OC AB: deVillaRED[06/27/10 12:56am] OC AB: FAUXhearts[06/26/10 07:38pm] OC AB: Explanation[06/26/10 07:01pm] Pour out to Paper[06/26/10 06:02pm] My Silent Tomb[06/11/10 07:16am] KILLED my day[06/04/10 01:14pm] New Anime Finished[06/02/10 08:19pm] Back...
May 2010
[05/26/10 08:55am] Can Do Twinkle Toes[05/17/10 10:30pm] I'll Be Whole[05/13/10 08:20am] Get Over It[05/07/10 09:40am] Every Once and a While
April 2010
[04/07/10 05:59am] REscuing[04/06/10 09:03am] The Answer Is Inside Me
March 2010
[03/30/10 07:37pm] Chisai Yume: Glowing[03/30/10 07:25pm] Dream About You[03/20/10 02:54am] Look Back at 7.21.08[03/20/10 02:14am] Still True?[03/11/10 07:30am] Happy Birthday[03/06/10 10:49am] Medium
February 2010
[02/06/10 08:23am] Sound of My Breathing
January 2010
[01/28/10 10:25am] Tears Don't Fall[01/24/10 04:41am] Wowz 3[01/23/10 09:58pm] Wowz 2[01/22/10 01:10am] Chisai Yume: Faint[01/20/10 03:53am] Bring Forth Thy Broom[01/16/10 10:34am] Waiting For Rain
December 2009
[12/29/09 08:04am] Fresh Scratches[12/21/09 11:01am] "Stick It!"[12/21/09 09:56am] Song For A Fiery Soul[12/21/09 05:33am] Blonde Locks To Tangle[12/18/09 08:33am] Butterscotch Voice[12/16/09 08:55am] Dark Silky Hair[12/15/09 04:18am] Timid Peach Skin[12/14/09 10:59am] Bloodied Hands[12/13/09 05:34am] Golden Eyes[12/09/09 10:01pm] Kneel?[12/08/09 09:13am] Darkness[12/08/09 03:50am] Lived A Dream[12/06/09 07:15am] Restarting[12/03/09 12:49pm] Chisai Yume: Electronize[12/03/09 07:56am] This Is Not A Home[12/01/09 11:40am] Red Threads From Bleeding[12/01/09 08:23am] Week of Woe
November 2009
[11/30/09 05:45am] Farm You To Death[11/27/09 08:35pm] Be My Own Witch[11/27/09 02:43am] Call me Pumpkin[11/25/09 08:38am] 2 + 2 = 5[11/09/09 03:28am] Num Num?[11/06/09 02:21pm] Hot Cocoa[11/03/09 10:49am] Perhaps[11/02/09 04:43am] Under the Waves[11/02/09 04:08am] Squeeze Until It's Black
October 2009
[10/23/09 08:42am] Sliver Moon[10/22/09 06:57am] Hide Your Eyes[10/20/09 06:55pm] With the Sun comes Rain[10/18/09 02:35am] Bear It All[10/13/09 05:06am] Revival[10/13/09 04:47am] Strawberry Glass[10/05/09 09:09am] Could This Be Out of Line?[10/02/09 01:58am] Lottery Win[10/01/09 07:46am] Sickening[10/01/09 01:47am] How Obtuse
September 2009
[09/19/09 08:44am] Sitting With Nothing[09/17/09 07:05pm] Damned Spirit[09/17/09 09:16am] Sleep Affirmitive[09/10/09 02:14am] Volts
August 2009
[08/27/09 11:21pm] Exhausted[08/27/09 08:56am] Getting To Me[08/24/09 05:05am] Time Elapsed[08/10/09 06:57pm] She Ain't Got No Need[08/07/09 08:11pm] If They Did They Would See[08/06/09 06:27am] Private Tracking: 5th
July 2009
[07/19/09 03:02am] How It Maps Out[07/18/09 01:00am] Sex Scene[07/15/09 09:08am] Emotional Commmotion[07/11/09 08:45am] Growl Growl[07/11/09 08:29am] Choco Choco[07/08/09 03:43am] Right in the Kisser[07/01/09 10:18am] Sin(g4 an) Addict
June 2009
[06/25/09 09:44am] see[06/25/09 08:01am] Flaw-less[06/23/09 01:30am] Neglect(ed)[06/14/09 08:58pm] Week of Hell: Days 1[06/11/09 07:50am] Voluptuous[06/08/09 09:26am] Blind Leader[06/07/09 04:21am] Chisai Yume: Doomed
May 2009
[05/31/09 03:16am] Ashes[05/20/09 12:18am] Fire In The House
April 2009
[04/25/09 04:50am] Rejected[04/21/09 01:32am] Stomach Twist[04/18/09 09:17pm] Fashion: Acceptable Shoes Part 1[04/17/09 09:50pm] Chisai Yume: Technical[04/16/09 06:22pm] Chisai Yume: Reloaded[04/10/09 05:41am] Chisai Yume: Past
March 2009
[03/30/09 08:40am] Sinkhole[03/29/09 12:17am] N A N A love[03/22/09 10:51pm] Striped Guilt[03/22/09 08:27am] Last Forever[03/20/09 05:19am] Survived[03/19/09 02:47pm] So...[03/19/09 12:44pm] Progress[03/19/09 01:05am] Flipping Through[03/16/09 05:29pm] Hilarious, No Really >.>[03/16/09 02:36am] Pick Up[03/13/09 12:05pm] Blood Red Dawn[03/12/09 11:43pm] Brightness-ness?[03/12/09 06:51am] From Myself[03/12/09 04:07am] The Others[03/10/09 06:37pm] Lolz[03/10/09 09:05am] One Last[03/09/09 08:18am] Settle[03/07/09 09:39pm] Wowz[03/07/09 08:29am] Stitches[03/06/09 10:01am] Mist[03/06/09 06:53am] Something In Me Cracked[03/05/09 02:26am] Assume[03/05/09 12:17am] Loathing[03/04/09 07:32pm] Choice[03/03/09 02:59am] Perfume Waftings[03/02/09 04:22am] A-Mused[03/01/09 12:35am] Sakura Takachi
February 2009
[02/28/09 11:24pm] Absolute[02/28/09 10:06pm] DIE[02/28/09 08:09pm] "Pure"[02/28/09 02:14am] Yuppies[02/27/09 06:36pm] Connotation[02/27/09 05:11am] Naive Poison[02/25/09 11:47am] Menagerie[02/25/09 11:28am] Elegant Tears[02/25/09 08:02am] Until The End of Time[02/23/09 06:27pm] Engulfed[02/23/09 10:44am] Roar Through The Night[02/23/09 07:53am] Inward Plea[02/23/09 07:13am] Gnargles[02/22/09 05:17pm] My Heart Is Breaking[02/22/09 06:15am] Outside World[02/20/09 08:56am] Blind Me You Fool![02/19/09 08:00am] Apartment Fun[02/17/09 05:05am] Designed[02/16/09 09:16am] Wonders[02/13/09 01:04pm] Old Habits[02/12/09 05:59am] Unlocking[02/12/09 05:16am] Prance[02/11/09 07:49am] Young Strings[02/09/09 11:46pm] At A Stand Still[02/05/09 11:02pm] Crime[02/04/09 01:59am] Pressing Pause[02/03/09 12:42am] Paradox[02/03/09 12:23am] Let The Chaos Listen[02/02/09 12:02pm] Another Challenge[02/01/09 07:46am] Empress
January 2009
[01/29/09 04:41am] Home Bound Princess[01/28/09 07:00pm] Chisai Yume[01/28/09 04:11am] Harshness[01/25/09 12:32am] Only Three[01/24/09 07:05pm] Bleach Reference[01/22/09 02:59am] Two For Town[01/17/09 06:08pm] Away on Vacation[01/13/09 11:21pm] Music Selection[01/12/09 11:45pm] Knew Where I Was[01/11/09 10:40pm] Patterns[01/07/09 09:32am] Nail Clippings[01/06/09 08:25am] Now I Know My ABC's[01/06/09 05:48am] Get Gone[01/05/09 04:39am] Quarter for Your Heart[01/03/09 10:43pm] Zeta Zip Zoo[01/03/09 10:14pm] XYZ[01/02/09 11:02am] Villains[01/02/09 09:03am] Poison to the Mind[01/01/09 10:55pm] Ill Omen
December 2008
[12/28/08 07:42am] Masks[12/27/08 06:29am] So Close[12/25/08 07:52am] My Father[12/22/08 05:38pm] My Brother[12/22/08 07:50am] My Mother[12/20/08 05:42am] Peppermint Kiss[12/17/08 08:36pm] All Over Me[12/17/08 07:59am] Lurker[12/17/08 07:39am] When Boredom Bleeds[12/13/08 02:50am] The Flutter of Wings[12/12/08 11:39pm] BAM![12/12/08 08:29pm] Nerves Are Like Doves[12/10/08 09:44pm] Jittery Critter[12/04/08 06:39am] Irregular Beating[12/03/08 04:36am] Frightened With White Lights Dancing[12/01/08 06:19am] Itching
November 2008
[11/29/08 03:42am] New Challenge[11/21/08 12:12am] Car Hound[11/20/08 07:08am] I Ask[11/19/08 07:52am] Learning is Yearning[11/18/08 06:15am] What Time?[11/18/08 03:51am] Sweetness[11/17/08 12:00am] Just For Thought[11/13/08 05:48am] Something New[11/10/08 07:01am] Something Old[11/07/08 08:49pm] Where?[11/05/08 09:18am] Chotto[11/04/08 08:25pm] Right Where I Want You[11/03/08 11:22pm] Pounded Fists[11/02/08 07:56pm] Screwed[11/02/08 02:14am] Tic Toc[11/01/08 07:11am] Beats it up
October 2008
[10/31/08 05:41am] Frustration[10/29/08 07:29pm] Formal[10/28/08 07:31pm] Torch[10/27/08 07:34pm] Single Scar[10/27/08 06:44am] Dance Partner[10/27/08 06:07am] Lies[10/27/08 01:42am] Scissors[10/26/08 08:09am] Old[10/26/08 06:27am] Secrets[10/26/08 04:01am] Dodge[10/24/08 11:39pm] Spinning Inside, Crying Outside[10/24/08 10:34am] Dare Desu Ka.[10/23/08 06:01am] Content[10/23/08 12:48am] Demo[10/22/08 08:25pm] Jumping and Shouting My Name[10/22/08 05:23pm] Flail[10/22/08 09:45am] Flexible[10/22/08 05:31am] Wind Rushing Through[10/22/08 05:17am] Drown in Yourself[10/21/08 09:15pm] Smooth Clean[10/21/08 08:59am] Live in Now[10/21/08 06:34am] Searching[10/21/08 06:19am] Drowning in Your Poison[10/21/08 05:42am] WTF[10/20/08 11:39pm] Reminder[10/20/08 09:55pm] Yellow Tail[10/20/08 09:32pm] In My Skin[10/20/08 09:16pm] Eternally[10/17/08 09:33am] Can I Cry Now?[10/17/08 04:35am] Tears Shaken with Fears[10/16/08 10:08pm] Celebration[10/16/08 05:37am] Slam Poetry: Pending[10/16/08 01:57am] Nawz[10/14/08 07:39pm] Karoke Lullaby[10/14/08 09:35am] Heart and Mind[10/14/08 04:51am] Underwater Bubble[10/14/08 04:15am] Solitary Confinement[10/14/08 12:10am] Dream Road is Forming[10/13/08 07:06pm] Update Express[10/13/08 05:30pm] Falling Into Flames[10/13/08 08:38am] Invisible Moment[10/13/08 03:01am] Kind of Person[10/12/08 10:54pm] Explanation[10/12/08 08:24am] True Heart[10/12/08 08:12am] News Reel[10/12/08 07:42am] Poison Kiss[10/10/08 11:43pm] Spring's Wish[10/10/08 08:05am] Surviving the Kill[10/10/08 06:58am] If And When[10/10/08 02:10am] Fight And Kiss[10/09/08 09:10am] A World to End[10/09/08 08:01am] Just For Show[10/08/08 08:42am] No Rain[10/05/08 08:25pm] Just My Luck[10/04/08 08:16pm] Fighting the Madness
September 2008
[09/29/08 09:14pm] Whip It Baby[09/29/08 06:03pm] Waiting and Arriving[09/28/08 07:32am] Sunrise[09/28/08 07:29am] Update[09/28/08 07:01am] Charade[09/18/08 10:40am] Lost Time[09/18/08 10:02am] Tempted[09/15/08 07:16am] My Song[09/15/08 06:56am] Thought and Praises[09/11/08 05:51am] Sometimes[09/10/08 07:26pm] So Damn Funni[09/09/08 06:58am] Take Me Out[09/03/08 05:51am] Put Me In
August 2008
[08/28/08 07:36am] Really Easy Poli-Si Teacher Apparently[08/28/08 12:08am] So Tired[08/27/08 05:24am] Flying[08/26/08 07:30pm] You're Dying to Hear[08/26/08 03:00am] I'll Be The Death of Me[08/26/08 02:40am] Hate Burns Evermore[08/25/08 07:13am] Drastic Measures[08/24/08 07:02pm] First Night