I am so sorry I haven't been on in a while i've had a few problems with real life issues. I can't even begin to explain where i've been. I went to the hospital cause I was dehydrated and something about fluids. I really can't remember. Then after I was better and crap I call my boyfriend to find out one of my good friends (his brother) has enlisted in the army! gonk I didn't mean to freak out,but I have no more strenght to find out that someone else I know has died!!!
After that I got grounded for pointless bullshit! Me and my friend were having a conversation.. and my MEANIE PANTS step-mom was eavesdropping and she sort of heard.....and she took the pc away! gonk stare As you can see I got it back.
Geez drama just seems to follow me. As soon as I got back I had about a billion messages... First,I have one about me and my cousin not spending "quality-time" together". rolleyes That was most certainly an understatement! Then I got one calling me about my friend ....you really don't want to know what that said.
I am so tired...I feel sick again. All this stuff is happening... I really don't know what to do... confused I tried calling my ex-bestfriend to apologize for leaving our friendship on such bad terms,but her immaturity showed me that's exactly how she wanted it,so I was okay with that. My other bestfriend Anelyse is here,so I we are just talking. sweatdrop
Well bye.
heart -/Christine
[affection.whore] · Wed Jul 19, 2006 @ 02:25am · 0 Comments |