Why should I care about what some people think? Sometimes, I meet the most amazing people and then they end up being the kind who care about what people they barely even know think.
If I spent all my time caring then I would have stayed the same weak person forever. I'm getting ready to start school monday, so i'm gonna be M.I.A.S [missing an attention span] so try to keep things simple when talking to me.
I'm having an anger problem lately. I think I need anger management because I just lash out at people w/o thinking of the consequences. Or how that person might feel.
I've stopped cursing. Mainly because JJ has been on my case about it. Boyfriends are too much work. Especially him. Scratch what I said...ANY relationship is too much WoRK.
Oh, well I got my self into this let's see how long it lasts.
I went to Sam's club today....it was so.....hood. It reminded me of that time me and my sis went to the hood wal-mart.
I guess the worldd works in weird and mysterious ways. Oh wells.
I've explained enough. Good day.
[affection.whore] · Sat Aug 11, 2007 @ 06:14am · 0 Comments |