• The cold rain drummed an eerie beat on the roof that was above Malorie's head. It hurt so bad. Her left arm thudded, she could feel her heartbeat in it. Her right arm ached, it needed to hold the slim, shiny, silver object again. She could just imagine the sticky, and warm substance that should be flowing down her arm. It hurt more with every passing day, each passing moment. "I made a promise," she rubbed her arm, where a thin, tiny scar was, "I promised him I wouldn't. But the things he doesn't know won't hurt him..." She picked up the knife that she knew too well. She pressed it against her wrist, she closed her eyes and looked away, hoping that that might ease the pain just a little. She kept pressing. She gave up on pressing it, she'd go back to the faster way. With one, fast motion of her arm, she did it. Blood ran down her arm. Suddenly, she cried out in pain. This one hurt more than the others. She tried to cover it with her hand, but only red blood gushed through her fingers. She lifted her hand up and almost passed out at the sight of so much blood. She realized something that made this cut hurt even more, she had never tried to stop the blood before. Now, she tried harder than ever to make it stop flowing. Soon, she gave up. Stupidity and foolishness crept upon her, as she raised the knife a few more times, leaving behind more blood, and more tears. She picked up her cellphone, not caring how much blood got on it. She called the only person she was thinking of. A familiar, awkward, still slightly boy-ish voice said hello, but he didn't know what was coming. "To stop the bleeding you make yourself bleed. Soon, you'll run out of blood, right?" She said into the phone. "Malorie, what?! What are you doing?!" She hung up her phone. She tried to get up off the bathroom floor, but only succeeded in spreading the blood everywhere. When she could finally rise to her feet, she slipped in a small puddle of blood, and crashed to the floor. When she hit her head on the ground, everything went black for her. The knife fell out of her hand, and now lied close to her ghostly body...