• (There is a large window,through which a small,poor girl peers through.)

    On the table there lies,
    A great glazed turkey,
    A feast for the eyes.
    (Hungry,hungry,so hungry,the girl thinks)
    In the living room sparkles,
    A glittering tree,
    Festooned with light.
    (Dark,too dark,no light,the girl whimpers)
    The fireplace,
    Is a place of warmth,
    And laughter,and love.
    (So cold....)
    (No love.....no laughter,the girl whispers.)

    (But wait,the great door to the mansion slowly opens,and light,and warmth,
    spills out onto the street,encompassing the tiny girl,only for a moment,but enough,just enough for the christmas spirit to fill the girl,enough hope to go on.)