• Recap

    "I mean other creatures who know about Mae do you think they'll go after her maybe. They might just try and kill her so there won't be no heir to the kingdom, huh?" Matt explained.

    Mae being hurt by another creature, just so I wouldn't be in charge of the kingdom? That's just not right. I got up right then and there, and opened his front door forcefully.

    "Hey where do you think you're going?" Matt yelled at me.

    "Well now that you say something about her being hurt, I won't let that happen!" I yelled back at him making my way quickly through his side of the city, to make it to Mae's side to watch her building for tonight. I wasn't going to be like Edward from Twilight, I mean that's just starkerish in my opinion watching her sleep. I was just going to sit outside her building on the other side of the street is all, reading a newspaper.

    Later in the night when I had finally made it to the apartment building, there had been nothing suspicious going on. I mean I wasn't expecting anything seeing as I was just paranoid about somebody killing someone who's totally innocent.

    Mae's POV.

    I was now lying across my couch just starring at the ceiling with nothing better to do, other than think, or go to bed, and I had to much energy to even sleep now. Matt was really nice about bringing me back to Alastair's house, and then bringing me back home, even though I said I could make it on my own.

    It was my first time to even meet Alastair's family, and they were so nice! I expected at least one of them to be trying to gouge my eyes out since they didn't like me. Thanks goodness that didn't happen. For some reason now I feel that Alastair's family is different, but not like one of those family's that happen to be part of like a circus or something. It was something more ominous.

    Flipping myself over so that I was now starring at the tiny TV I had in my living room, I had a strange urge to turn on the news. Grabbing the remote I changed the channels till I came to the news channel where they shows a scene that was quite gruesome. There seemed to be that some sort of accident. The news reporter woman had been saying something like a suicide, but not likely seeing as the police, had found causes for this person to have fallen from the building, like someone pushing him.

    As I watched they had shown a widened image of the building the man had fallen from. My face went completely white. The building they had shown on the TV, had been my apartment building. I jogged over to my window, where I looked out the front to see the emergency crew, and police making sure the crowd stayed where they were.

    How could I not have noticed the sirens, and all the people chattering about the accident? I looked down from my window to only see the dead body covered up. That was enough to make me want to close my window, and get my head back in the apartment. Deciding it best I went down stairs to check on my friend Ms. Sophey who was probably having a hard time with a death by our apartment.

    I found her sitting in her tiny office looking a bit shaken.

    "Hey Sophey are you alright? You're shaking," I asked concerned about my elderly friend.

    "Mostly I'm fine, but that poor young man," She said, while her voice was shaking.

    "Who was it? I couldn't tell from my apartment," I asked again, seeing as it was a person who she must have known.

    "It was the young man who I believe lived right next to you actually," She said surprising me. "I didn't know his name he only came and went as he pleased. Always got his payments in on time, and never bothered a soul. I have no idea if he even had a family," She said a bit disappointed.

    "Well it's been quite an evening," I said to her. "I think I'm going to go back up, and get some rest maybe, if the police, and ambulance keeps it a bit quite," I explained. "Call me if you need anything okay Sophie?" I said to her, even though she had calmed down way more than when I had first came down.

    "Okay sweetie. Try to get some sleep you'll need it I'm pretty sure," Sophie said to me as I made my way to the elevator.

    Alastair's POV.

    I had just been sitting in the shadow of the tree reading in the dark, I know weird. But soon after finishing a chapter in the book, I heard a yelp come from near by. Looking around I had finally found the source, when I saw two people on top of the apartment building, and one that I had been interested in finding for years.

    There was the young man was being held by the collar to keep him from falling off the building, but only by the tip of his toes, and the man holding onto him. I could see that they were exchanging words, but I couldn't hear anything. The man I had been looking for for year, was there with his five pure white tails and orange eyes. As he consulted with the terrified man, he seemed to become more unhappy with the answers he had received from him.

    He smiled at the man, and said something with a smile, that hid something darker behind it, and then let go of the mans shirt. I watched him fall, I could do nothing to save he man that had actually spoke with the kitsune I had been look for, who stole my family's artifact.

    When I had looked back up, to see the kitsune, he was gone just like in the movies. I called 911 soon after like a good citizen, and waited, but by the time the ambulance, and the police got here, I acted just like another innocent by standard that had just gotten there to see the man dead, on top of the car.

    It was probably best for me by now to go back to my house, and inform my family about this. Watching for a bit longer I was sort of hoping they'd find something just a tad out of place, but so far there wasn't anything.

    Kitsune POV.

    I had grabbed the young, unsuspecting man from his couch, which immediately woke him from his peaceful slumber. He was trying to yell, and get away, but then he saw my face.

    "Why are you here?" He asked frightened.

    "Oh I ensure you know what I am here for," The kitsune said calmly.

    "I honestly don't know where it is Delosia!" The man yelled, as the kitsune known as Delosia dragged him up towards the elevator. "Where are you taking me?!" The poor victim had no idea what was going to happen.

    "Oh I think you know plenty well where we're going Craxios," Delosia answered him. "Seeing as you're one of those tricky shape shifters," Delosia finished his sentence to the man , who finally quit squirming.

    "Don't use my real name around here. Seriously I have people in this building that know me as Devin, not Craxios," The man said.

    "Well, right now I don't care," Delosia told him pressing the button that brought them closest to the roof. "Let's see if you're afraid of heights, and maybe then you'll tell me where, the next piece to the puzzle is," Delosia said.

    The man knew there was no way of getting our of Delosia's hold, so he just gave up then. Feeling the rough surface of the roof, he waited till he could feel gravity pulling him down, when Delosia was holding him over the pavement five stories below.

    "Let's try this again," Delosia said like a normal conversation. "Where's the next piece of the puzzle that I need to get rid of a certain family?"

    The man sighed suddenly, there was no way he couldn't tell him, since there were ways that Delosia could get answers. Craxios laughed suddenly.

    "You'll find it where water meets the lands. Fish swim among the lost that we think is just a myth. Below the water, a city of greet potential. The underwater city of Atlantis. But be careful. There are many hidden tragedies that have happened there. They'll use this knowledge to their advantage," Craxios said in a riddle like form, but still giving away the answer to the place the next piece was.

    "Who's they?" Delosia asked curiously.

    "Ooh don't you know? For somebody of your type I'd think you'd know of the people that still live there," Craxios said. Delosia glared suddenly.

    "I've had enough of you," With that sentence he let go of Craxios shirt, letting him fall to the car below him. Craxios made no attempt in yelligng, seeing as he already knew his fate when he saw Delosia, that night. He hit the car with a loud thud, and he was dead by the impact.
    "At least I know it's under the water now," He murmured to himself, as he walked away from the crime scene.

    Delosia knew where the next piece of the puzzle was. And what was it exactly? It wasn't anything like a tortoise's shell, or anything, but a living person who lived in the underwater city. Where this young woman could actually harnis the power of the necklace in it's completed form.

    She was a sea nymph. Born in Atlantis, she has never really seen above the waters horizon. Only being able to go above the waters surface, only once a month, for fear of people like Delosia of finding her, and using her to take over the world.