I have been getting some stupid questions as to why I am not with some guy who looks like hot sex in a barrel! I decided to list and state my reasons. I care not to have relationships. I really can't deal with guys and their sad inability to grow up. I decided,(unlike last year) to not have exceed the 15 boyfriends I had the previous year. They make my head hurt and make me wanna strangle them. It's not that I hate all males,it's just that they can call me when they get some balls and brains. I just need some space right now. Me and my boyfriend on a break,yes another one,but ******** it. We have issues we need to get over,before we kill eachother. I lurb the boy to death,but he's going to ******** up something good,if he keeps being the little b***h he is being.This is sadly,why we like eachother so much. He makes me so mad,but the fact that he drives me nuts makes meh want to kill him/secks him. Sad? I think it is. He acts like i'm his ******** wife and I tell him i'm the dictator in this ******** realation. mad It pisses me off,when the dumb ******** says dumb s**t about ******** stuff. ******** man-whore. He tried me the other day. He gave me a list of rules he thinks I should follow and why I should follow them,my response was throwing a book at him...it was the bible as a matter of fact. rofl Little pisswad was mad when it left a mark,but I refused to kiss it and make the boo-boo better. Instead I hit him again. Then I kissed it. lol,we are so retarted together. Well,I do care for the ******** for sure.
Relationships and why think I have no business being in one:
1.I have a fetish for dating assholes. 2.I have a really big ego,no lie. 3.Admitting i'm wrong is hard for me. 4. I tend to get bored with guys...quick 5.I don't sugarcoat s**t they ask me 6.I act like the b***h I can be,when they get on my nerves. 7. I have the attention span of a goldfish... 8.I don't care for being a substitute. 9.Don't care for answering questions right away 10.Ignores them when i'm mad. 11.Tries to piss people off when they say something. 12. Zero tolerance for jealousy. 13.They have problems with my friends being mostly guys... 14.They want me to be the little innocent whore... 15.I do what the ******** I want. 16.I don't feel like going through the emotional strain again.
[affection.whore] · Mon Aug 07, 2006 @ 03:52pm · 0 Comments |