I was bored and was looking through a box of golf balls my dad has, and I cam across one he found a while back. On it was a quote that said, “he who dies with the most toys, still dies”. I took that ball and put it on my shelf in my room. I cant stand all these people these days who put other people down because they don’t own the newest ipod, or the newest cell phones. Regardless of what the device is, the majority of people around where I live, live by what they own, not by who they are. Its all about the latest shoes, the hottest shirts, the coolest mp3 players. I cant stand it. I get by just fine with my old phone and my generic mp3 player. Im fine saying that the bulk of my cloths are hand me downs, and are not in the greatest condition, but they hide my junk and keep me warm…so who cares!?! I think we should be judged on how we act, or who we are, or at the very least our friends. My question is that if you had to make the choice to either give up all your friends, or or get all the coolest possessions in the world, what would you choose? I think anyone who has read my journal at least once before knows my answer…so I will save you the obvious. I hate it when people are always showing off there new ipods or whatever is in these days. As long as it entertains you, isn’t that enough? Does showing it off to people really make it that much more entertaining? I got an ipod nano, and I showed it off to my friends and rubbed it in their faces that they don’t have one, does it play the songs better? No, no it doesn’t. That is why one of my new life quotes is “he who dies with the most toys, still dies”, because in the end, when you die...that ipod, or those shoes stay here, but you leave
Brandon_05 Community Member |