I was talking with a friend in school, and I mentioned how I thought another thought he was better than we were (he is number one in the class). He talked to me on AIM and asked me if it was true and explained that he does not think that. I told him I don’t care, that’s my opinion. He then continued to say something about how apparently I have a lot of influence on the sophomore class. Took me until I heard that to realize he is kinda right…to be honest, I don’t really care. I never tried to do that, I guess it just happened. The funny thing is that I don’t really think a lot of people like me. I’m kinda a d**k, and way too honest for anyones good.
Just kinda random and at the same time kinda on topic, but something happened that made me smile. Friday, I was late ge5tting to math class because I was doing yearbook work. When I came in, like three people were all happy that I was there and talking to me and what not. We had a fire drill and I ran out and ran into the door hoping it would open. It did not. I fell back on a girl and she was laughing her a** off. When we got outside her and two other people were like “I’m glad you came, I thought the class would suck when you didn’t show up”…that made me happy…
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