I understand this is a very touchy subject. The subject alone can send people into heated argument, intense debates, and can cause some serious feeling exchanging. The sad fact is that nine times out of ten the only talking being done is by ignorant anti war people who are just so insensitive about it. They preach that war is bad and immoral, but I say that them saying that is bad and immoral. I really could care less how people feel about the war. I have my opinion and you have yours. I even don’t mind debating it. But it is not right to go yelling out that the war is stupid, bush is an idiot (even though he originally said no to the war but congress changed his mind) and that a draft is coming. There is not going to be a draft. I love America, but ignorant people make me really hate the American public. When I hear crap like I did today about a draft coming, it makes me understand why other countries hate Americans. Is really hard to pick up a magazine or pay attention to the news every now and then? And even if you can’t do that, don’t talk unless you know!
I know this entry probably sounds a lot like the last one, so it is more like repeat then a part two, which Is why I will start to get personal.
As some of you may know, my older brother is in Iraq for the third time. My uncle recently got back, so I’m not worried about him. On top of both of those things, my other older brother is joining the army this summer, which means by next year he may be in Iraq. Now for the most part I’m not very open about my emotions, I try to be more laid back. Its really sucks every time I’m flipping through the news and I hear about a car bomb, or a soldier being killed and I don’t know who it is. They sometimes don’t tell who it is, and if I cant contact my brother, how am I supposed to know the next I see him wont be in a coffin? I personally feel that I owe it to him and the others who fought in a war or are fighting now to be laid back. They fight and die for our freedom, so we should express it! They take life seriously so we don’t have to! I joke a lot, I play a lot, and I enjoy life. My petty problems in life are nothing in comparison to the fear of knowing you could be next, the fear of knowing your being shot at, the fear of knowing every step you take could be laced with land mines. You don’t have to support the war, but I say we should support the troops. They are giving us a gift, and far too many Americans throw it back in their face. Not me.