Oh my god I would just like to start by saying that if I hear another person say that the war in Iraq is wrong I might just punch that person in the face. This is in response to an avatar arena entry where a guy said that it is wrong, it is only for oil, and it only causes blood shed.
I would just like to put my stance on this topic out there, I am for the war. I am not saying I am for war all together, because I always try to find a peaceful solution, but in this case there was none. For god sakes people, with how corrupt the world is today, the media feeds us a bunch of crap. How are we supposed to know why we are over there? Its like the song “waiting on the world change” said, when they hold the information, they can bend it all they want. It just pisses me off when people tell me that my brother and my uncle are putting their lives on the line for oil. They completely forget the terrorism and the unstable government! The biggest thing I find funny is that here in America, a poll showed that only about 23% of Americans support the war, and only 12% support Bush. In Iraq and the Middle East however, over 80% of the general public are glad we are there. People say “oh they are just defending themselves from us” but that is so wrong. For one, our troops have orders to never shoot unless shot, and the only ones shooting are the terrorists who want us gone so they can once again oppress the people and kill millions (which was going on before we got there). My last point is that people should not say bush is bad for sending us to war. If they think bush is bad they must think most of the world is bad. Britain, France, Australia, Canada, Australia, and many other countries are over there with us, so obviously it is not just us who think we should be over there.
I’m not saying you have to support the war, because as I said before we have no way of knowing just why it is happening, but god damn people please support the troops and don’t insult them by saying the war is useless. People are being saved, is that not a good reason to be over there?
Brandon_05 Community Member |