Well im out of VA for the summer. Got a job in Ohio running a paintball course and a rafting school for 10 bucks an hour. Sweet gig but I have to leave the state. Brandon misses his Taylor. I used my first pay check to buy her a teddy bear I(it was navy blue, her favorite color) and a card. The card had something to do with hugs, and we have a thing we do that when one of us is having a bad day, we just hug until everything feels better, so I thought that would be sweet. I know, im totally lame and corny and have the emotions of a chick. Oh well. Her not being here makes this job suck. She is all I think about anymore. I was shucking some corn on Americas b-day, and I almost got teary eyed because I know she loves corn…again so lame I know…the sunsets are beautiful here on a random note.
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