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    "[entry not properly archived]."


    Yeah this city, or at least this City of Demons now, still looks worse than the archive photos in the library. Although as dim and hallow as it appears; it's the exact opposite of what the community is like and almost everyone in the streets here are completely dead in the inside or just down right devoid of life in general. Even asking a few individuals for direction is proven hard when I got here, man talk about being like ghouls.

    Well whatever the case is, I still got my task in hand, although I did run into trouble not long after my arrival. Still humans persist in being the dominant race, or at least they try in order to instill fear when they try to make themselves appear thuggish or just downright incompetent in a way, typical to say the least, no matter how many years it's been since last contact. At least I'm not weak or innocent and those guys didn't really put much of a fight and in the end I practically gave one a busted nose or a well beaten face, another with a slight head trauma, and 2 others becoming self-conscious of their face.

    Thanks to those guy, I did manage to get a localization of a city center, or what used to be one before this war and stuff.

    One thought however, this Dark City, when I mentioned that to the guys back home, the only one who's heard of it was the community leader, all the others haven't. Not surprising since he came from this area.

    I got my orders to take a moment now, so my objective today is to set up camp and wait for further instructions, the overpass under the freeway is a best place for me to set up, plus I'm handy enough to use power tools to build a fence within a couple days. Hopefully there's a hardware store that's still stocked and abandoned.
