Long ago, before it was even the city of Arania, while it was still the village of Lucaria, there lived two mages. One, Itsuri, was believed to be a marlock, while the other, Enigma, was thought of as a witch. Itsuri was thought of as good, while Enigma was proclaimed evil. And that's the way it was set in Lucaria, the way it was believed. As time passed, days, months, years, these beliefs seemed to be true. Enigma would harrass, threaten, and even harm villagers, with evil curses, frightening oaths, and horrid spells. On the other side, Itsuri only seemed to live to help the village. More time went on, and as Itsuri aimed to only better himself for the peple, Enigma spent her(the villagers believe that Enigma is a female, but it is sort of hard to tell) days, doing worse and worse deeds in the village. After a practiculary gruesome seance, performed by Enigma in the farmers' barn, on the villages' most prized animals, Itsuri was forced into placing a curse on Enigma, the curse being that Enigma could not harm a single villager. After the spell was cast, Itsuri went back to his house, finished with Enigma. But the villagers weren't.
Unable to even defend hersefl because of the spell, Enigma was beat up, spat on, and bound with iron chains by the villagers. Iron was a material that witches, like Enigma, couldn't use magic to break, and Enigma wasn't exactly a physically strong person neither. Enigma hoped that they were finished with her, but no such luck. The villages dragged Enigma by her long black hair, all the way into the woods, to Enigma's home, a very tall, a little taller than the trees, very creepy, black house. They each ignited a different part of the house, and forced Enigma to look upon the flames that destroyed everything she owned. After, nothing was left of the house but a pile of ash, they threw Enigma upon it, and left her, still bound in chains, still beat, and very broken hearted. They went back to the inner parts of the village, believeing the witch should die for the henous crimes she commited. When word of this past Itsuri's ears, he was horrified that the people of the village he worked so hard to protect, would do something like this to a single person. Itsuri immediately fled to where Enigma's house was to be, only to find the witch herself, unconcious, bound to the neck in iron chains, and laying upon a pile of ash. Itsuri unbound the witch, and, he himself, treated her back to full health. The villagers were shocked to bone at this. Their savior, their protector, just broght their plague back to full health. When demanded for a reason, Itsuri had this to say, "In spite of Enigma's attitude, 'the witch' is still a villager, and it is my priority to see that every villager is strong and healthy." Much to Itsuri's expectations, Enigma wanted to exact revenge on those that had wronged her so. She believed she was merely performing a simply ritual then was cursed, which she didn't really mind, but when she was attacked, that's where the anger was. But Itsuri's curse was something she had to work around, and it made the task difficult, but not impossible. She would just have to be patient, and besides, the witch had something to occupy her time with, fixing her home.
One day, the village leader's young daughter, Kimiroro, got lost in the woods, that were apart of the village's property. But what was scaring her was that she had heard many things from the villagers about the witch that lived here, and it's not exactly a place you want to get lost, dark woods, with tall trees, and a witch possibly hiding in the midst of it all. While Kimiroro was walking, she suddenly stumbled and fell, skining her one of her knees. She sat up and started crying at the top of her lung captivity, not even noticing that she was in front of a house. Enigma had just been out and about when the witch heard crying. "I spy with my little eye..." Enigma muttered, and caught sight of the little girl. An idea crossed Enigma's mind, and curt grin spread across the witch's face. "Are you hurt little one?" A stranger asked, and walked into the clearing, into Kimiroro's field of vison. The girl had never seen Enigma before, so imagine her surpise at seeing a person like the witch step into the clearing. Kimiroro stood to face Enigma and nodded, wiping the tears out of her eyes. Enigma held out a hand to the little girl, "Come on, let's get you all cleaned up." she said kindly and warm-heartedly. "O-Okay..." Kimi said and took Enigma's cold, cold, hand. As they turned and faced the house, Kimiroro gasped, truly amazed, "It's soo big! I think it's bigger than my house!" she exclaimed. "It probably is, I've lived here by myself for years." Enigma told her and slightly pulled her, walking forward. Kimi looked over at the stranger, sadness on her face, "All by yourself?" she asked. "Well, I used to share this house with my brother, but he's moved on to a better home, I suppose." Enigma told her, "Don't you get lonely? I'd be really, really lonely living in a big house all by myself." Kimi said. "Oh yes...I'm very lonely." The witch said as she ushered the girl inside. "Then why don't you find someone to live with you?" Kimiroro asked. "Because...", Enigma pasued, and closed the door, "..I'm a witch." Enigma finished, as the lock to the door slid shut.
Word spread fast that the leader's daughter was missing, but the rumor that the witch killed her spread even faster. Enraged at the news that met their ears, the villagers formed an enraged mob, and enfiltrated into Enigma's house. Despite Itsuri's urging to remain civil in this situation, the villagers tore, beat, basicallly attempted to kill the witch. After being savagely beat and disheveled, Enigma cursed them, "You call me the evil one?!" The witch had shrieked, "I curse this village, one hundred times fold, that the deepest secrets that you hold, will not allow nor will they let, you love whatever it is, be met!!" Enigma proclaimed, although it wasn't very threatening to be cursed by a witch that couldn't even stand. This is the time when Itsuri stood between Enigma and the villages, and basically pleaded for them to be reasonable and pratical, but none of the people wanted to hear what Itsuri had to say. They didn't forgive him for healing Enigma all those days ago. "Itsuri, despite the magic that you gained, the curse works on you too, I'm afraid." The witch told him weakly. This caught Itsuri's attention, down to the battered witch, "So you, and souly you evaded this curse?!" he demanded, horridly. Enigma laughed hoarsely, "Oh no, the curse acts me too, my friend. Even my love, has come to end." The villagers had had enough and moved around Itsuri, and this time, bound Enigma in iron and silver chains. They dragged the witch to a dried well and tied the ends of the chains, that weren't bound to the witch, to the well, and the blacksmiths even melted them in, to sustain Enigma's weight. "These chains may block my final curse, but what will come of this will be much worse." Were the witch's final words and they threw the witch down the well. The villagers waited, until the shnk-ing sound of the chains stopped. That was the end of Enigma, and the curse.
The villagers decided to go back to that blackened house and find the village leader's daughter's body. The least they could do was give her a proper burial, to rest her young soul. When someone asked if Itsuri would help, the warlock was nowhere in anyone's sight. They ignored this fact and went back to Enigma's house, to begin the search. Before even five minutes of the search was comensed, they found Kimiroro, peacefully asleep in a feather bed. Her father yelled in joy, and picked up his daughter and hugged her tight. The movement and noise woke the sleeping child from her rest, "Papa..?" she quietly mumbled out. "Yes, it's Papa, you're safe!" he exclaimed radiantly. The villagers had all gathered in the, surprising very spacious, room to watch this beautiful renunion, when suddenly, Kimi asked, "Where is Big Sister?" Her father looked at her, dumbfoundedly, "Wha..?" he questioned. "She promised when I was done with my nap we would play a game!" she whined lightly. Her father immediately gripped her shoulders, "Tell me, sweetie, what game?" he slightly demanded of her. "I don't know, Big Sister always lets me choose what game to play." she said. "Wha...s-so you weren't here against your will..and you weren't hurt?" he asked her. "No! Big Sister said she was lonely here by herself so I stayed to play with her, she even said she loved me and would never hurt me! Where is Big Sister?!" she demanded, now fearful, sad, and angry. All of the adults were shocked, and guilt set in when they fully grasped what happened. They punished someone for crimes not commited, and a lot of the villagers wanted to go back and get Enigma out of the well, but everyone knew the witch was mostly likely dead. But...no one would tell Kimiroro this. "I'm...I'm afraid Big Sister isn't here anymore...she went onto a better home.." her father said. Kimiroro suddenly smiled and hugged her father, "That's great!" she exclaimed. This caught everyone off guard too. "She said her brother moved to a better home too! Now they're together again! Yay!" she exclaimed happily and hugged her father tightly.
From that day on, the village of Lucaria went on without fear of the witch Enigma again, but something strange came in effect. Everytime someone would go to Itsuri's home, he was never in, and no one had seen him since the day of Enigma's death. And late at night, every villager would wake up to the sound of a distant voice mourning the loss of a treasursed loved one.

- Title: The Curse of Secrets
- Artist: Moquien
- Description: Let's see how far prejudice of evil and good can effect the way people prespect things.
- Date: 02/17/2009
- Tags: curse secrets
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Comments (1 Comments)
- kaylb - 02/20/2009
- very good, very good Moquien! i give total props and faith that u will make a good writer when u are older... im only 13 and every one says that writing is my talent and i should get some books published... im thinking about putting my journal in the areans as nofiction do u think i should put it on? and thank u for rating and posting a comment... i rated both of yours with 5 stars.. and thanxz in case i have not said that yet... XD
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