• In the 21st century between 2010 and 2025 many scientists have experiments on lots of animals
    testing their skills on hearing, smelling, sharpness, and taste. Dogs were the first to test having 10x smelling power then we do, but many dogs were injured. Then they started on rats and mouse they have almost the same amount of smelling power as dogs, but it was a lot safer since its speed and size can undergo any danger. As this continues more and more animals were experienced, in and out they go. Humans then built more machines to prevent any more animals to be injured. As more and more technology were built animals were mostly needed as food and some of them strive to survive in the streets in hunger. Wild animals walking in and out of yards, machines keeping a watchful look to prevent wild animals from coming any closer to their property. Humans were cooped up in their houses getting entertained by more advanced technology, kids sneaking in and out of rooms to play games and avoid their study times. The streets were only packed with wild animals not wanted in a household or to be petted and comforted. In hunger the animals hunt down each other slaughtering and biting into other living flesh. More technology was fund and shipped all around the world.
    It was 2032 November 3rd in a dark foggy ally a pack of wild dogs appeared barking and howling into the morning sky. Dark crows perching on top of the brick roof tops of a tall apartment building. The windows were shut tight a few blinds were opened, digital T.V.’s were flashing through the windows, humans were quietly sitting slumped in their living room. Their minds were blank, their eyes huge. Down below a crowed of bony dogs who’s eyes show hunger, their panting breaths of their life lines ready for another ending to come. It smelled like blood and oder of dead organisms, thousands of flys buzz and flap their wings on top of decomposed animals stained on the ground. The air was so toxic that humans have to wear masks and protections to avoid any contagious diseases. Very few dare to walk out of their house because of fear or because a mysteries force keeps them in. Silently in the dark of the foggy ally a bulldog carries a bloodhound who’s body can no longer stand on four legs whispering to him. The barking’s were silenced the air turned cold as the bloodhound try’s to speak it loudest voice. But all you can hear is the horse grasp of his breath trying to speak, as if he cannot find the air or the words to say. He could not speak loud enough so he whispered in the bulldog ear. He barked out “It’s been seven years that we have been striving till this day…”, the bloodhound continues to whisper in the bulldog ear while he barked it out, as if he was a speaker phone.