• "Rest now the mortal soul, for tomorrow you wake anew. Close your eyes, stay your head.
    Hush now and off to bed." "These the final words from my deceased mother. I was sadly asleep when the deed was done. My father, ex military. Sunk into drinking after his dishonorable discharge. He would not only beat my mother but me as well. Me being 4 at the time left me with nothing to do but to take the beatings he delivered. Well I assume you have gathered my father murdered my mother.. I awoke to the sounds of her crying and his drunken laughter. I still to this day do not fully understand what had transpired that night.

    I threw off the sheets of my bed and ran into the hall, there I was greeted by a most ghastly figure. Twas my father, broken beer bottle in hand and a grin on his face. His words still haunt me." "Hey boy, you get back in your bed!" I glanced passed him to a more dimly light section of the hallway, there she was.... my mother, lying motionless on the floor with a pool of her own blood surrounding her. I stared up at my father, tear stricken. "What did you do to mommy!?" I yelled out. "Same thing I'm gonna do to you, ya little brat!" With those words he delivered a firm slap to the side of my face, I fell backwards. My simple tears had now turned into full uncontrollable sobbing. "Shut up!" He yelled raising his foot in a stomping motion. This is all I can remember.... I blacked out around that point, when I awoke he was lying face first on my bedroom floor.

    luckily one of our neighbors had heard all the commotion and called the police. I was soon placed into a faster home, I grew up seemingly like any normal child, with one small flaw.
    That night something happened, I killed my father. With these powers that I have obtained but I have no idea how. All I have to go on is that they just happened and ever since that night I have had to try to control these outbursts I have been having, its a voice in my head. Telling me to do mean, horrible, nasty things that I would not normally do, and the problem is that I do them.

    Over the years as I learned on my own to somewhat control these abilities I have gotten into a lot of trouble, but nothing as bad as the day at the bank...

    "The bustling city life, this was never the scene for me.. The loud annoying insects that call themselves human infesting these streets. I wish I could wipe out the whole lot of them."
    The voice in my head, hes gotten stronger. It now feels as though hes another person standing next to me. "Well there it is Rex, the 1st national bank of Craneveiw. We are gonna get so much loot!" "OUCH!" I shouted, the voices pitch will gradually get louder, I feel he does this so I will obey him. All the patrons begin to stare at me, for I did yell out for no reason, at least to them. "Ha ha stubbed my toe." I said. With that they ceased there on looking and returned to there lives. There I stood now, in front of the doors to the bank. "All right loser my turn.' My body felt cold and then darkness, My sight has left me but not my hearing. "All right people get down!" I heard him yell then a loud crash and the snapping of wood, followed by the screams of the terrorized bank goers. "Touch that freaken button and see what happens!" Again I here his loud booming voice, but now its not as deep as it was before. "Yes sir I'm sorry." I now here the faint sound of a women's voice. "Stop this! This is my body and I will decide what it does!" With that I regained control, when my sight returned I saw an armed policeman finger on the trigger. "Stop right there, put your hands behind your head!" He was shouting at me. I took one step forward to try to explain best I could. BANG! The echoing sound of a gunshot. I raised a hand to redirect the bullet. The bullet was deflected, soon after the sound of screaming returned. A sound I have come to know to well. I glance to my right. There sitting in a black leather chair was a young woman blood dripping down her face. The bullet I defended myself against was sent right through the woman's skull. I have killed again. My heart began to race, my blood was coming to a boil. Then I heard his voice again. "Man, this is way I said let me handle it!" With that outburst darkness came once again. I heard a "GET BACK HERE!" so I assumed he got us out of there but I don't think I will ever know how he did.