• Aquila soared the sky and cries, driving attention to the valley.
    Asha-Sei raised her hand and shouted, and the horn bawled a long note that echoed throughout the valley. Thousands of heads, humans and Dil-ire’s alike turned toward the figure of 5 women representing the Lioness of fi’ Caspe as they raised their sword, lead by Asha-Sei; with her shimmering red blade. The sun glistened brightly as it crawls behind the clouds despite the winter weather.
    The Dil-ire laughed and spat mockingly to the ground as the reinforcement appeared to be only 5 people but then their laughter subsides as the sight of the rest of the Human army appeared; thousands of them, clad in white, red and gold armor; their flags fluttered proudly in the winds, their weapons shined, receiving grace from the Gods as the sunlight cast it's early rays.
    Asha-Sei and her one thousand mounted soldiers shouted an echoing, deafening war cry and kicked their horse to motion, galloping down the valley like a flood of waves, thundering down to the battlefield. Dil-ire’s formation falter as they retreated and forming another new line while the soldiers of the Eagles of fi’ Caspe answered the cries with their own, raising their sword with pride.
    Asha-Sei heart thumped ceremoniously with the gallop of her horse and so does her armor. She had never had this feeling before, scared and excited at the same time. But it was impossible to feel scared now, she had chosen this path and she will fulfill it, she will fight till the end; she will not let her loved one dies in the battlefield.
    The warriors still screaming, but the rumbling bellow of the horse’s hooves had gobble up their war cries. The drums still beats and horns echoed. The image of it could send any soul to a shiver down their spine. The chargers tighten their grips to their own blade and the reins of their horses as they reached the line of grim faced Dil-ire who waits with Death in their hand.