• “Kyaaa Miss Reina!!!” A bunch of fans crowded the front of the building when I got out of the car. Iruka ushered me through the crowd and into the building where security blocked people from following inside. Once on the top floor, a secretary greeted me.
    “Miss Reina pleasure to see you again, the chairman will see you now,” she escorted Iruka and I into another room. Once inside the woman bowed and closed the door on her way out.
    “It’s been a while Reina, how was your trip?” Mr. Murakami asked as he got up from behind his desk.
    “The same as always, I’m just glad to be back though.” I replied.
    “You missed me that much?? How sweet of you!” He came over for a hug but I stepped to the side.
    “Listen old man, I didn’t come here to chit chat. I have things to do.” I crossed my arms.
    “Alright I understand…well there is a valid reason why I called you here…” Suddenly the air became all too serious.
    “I want you to quit your job.” My father said.
    “What are you talking about? Don’t joke with me, let’s go Iruka.” I said walking to the door.
    “You’re sixteen, this is the time you should be acting like a teenager.” He stopped me.
    “I am acting like a teenager,” I clenched my teeth.
    “Hardly, you don’t even go to school.”
    “That’s because I have a private tutor. Why would you want me to quite so suddenly?! I‘ve made your agency number one after only eight years of hard work! How can you just fire someone who has won so many awards at my age?!”
    “Why are you acting like this? I am not firing you. I just think that you should have normal friends and live more like a teen.” He said.
    “What do you mean, I have plenty of friends!” I yelled.
    “I mean friends who don’t star as your friend in a movie! Or pose with you during a photo shoot! Friends who don’t need a script to say when they can have fun or argue with you!”
    “What are you saying old man?” I narrowed my eyes.
    “I’m sending you to high school for a year.”
    “What? Impossible I won’t do it!” I crossed my arms once again.
    “You’ve been a child star for eight years already, aren’t you tired of it?” He asked. I didn’t answer, so he went on.
    “After your mother left us, I was so hurt. And on top of that, the agency was falling apart. I didn’t think I would move on anymore, my heart just felt like a knife was stabbing it repeatedly. I had lost my wife, and now I was about to lose my job. How was I supposed to support my daughter? But then you came to me, and said you’d help me get the agency back to its normal high status. I looked down at my little girl, and wondered how could you have known? And how was an eight year old supposed to help me get back to the top of my game? But after all these years, Murakami industries have been number one ever since you made your first audition all by yourself without my help. And I’m grateful to you dear, but that’s only saying it as your boss. But as your father, I think you need to take a rest, and live your own life now. You only get to be a kid once in your life; I don’t want to see that being thrown away.
    “I understand.” I looked to the ground. I understand that it was because of me, that the rates of this place have gone up every year. It’s even doubled in the last two years. There are more auditions being held here, and more celebrities that are being signed every day. I understand it was because of me! So why should I be resigning?!
    “I’ll say this once again…I don’t want to!” I put a firm hand on his desk. All I got was a chuckle until he turned around.
    “Fine…” He said.
    “Really?” Iruka and I said simultaneously. Then we began to cheer together. I was so happy I could almost scream!
    “But in order to prove to me that you‘re the greatest actress here, you will be given a condition for staying.” My father continued. Iruka and I both stopped cheering, and looked at him.
    “The condition is that you can appear as Reina at the studios and shoots. But I want you to at least try your hand at a high school. Try it out for a year as someone else, and I won’t revoke your contract.” He said. My jaw almost dropped, but I caught myself. I’ll prove to him and everyone else, that I could do this!
    “I’ll take your challenge then old man.” I said with a sinister smile. My father stopped laughing, and became serious again.
    “Good, this will be very entertaining. You will be given a year to prove to me that you can stay out of trouble and out of the lime light. If you can do it, then I will keep your contract.” He agreed.
    “Fine, I’ll show you that I can do it! I can live for a year being unknown in this new world you call high school. And when the year ends, Reina will be even more unstoppable!” I said. My father smiled and nodded slowly. This was a challenge that I could dare not lose!!!