• ✯Supers✯

    How it all happened

    Went I was four years old I lost my memory in a fire. According to Peace or Mr.H, my guardian, I was hit on the head by a support beam made of metal thats were he found me. He didn't take me to the hospital he took me to Professor,a genius who's specialty is robotic. Peace said he knew I wasn't human and that I was special and I'd do great things some day. I didn't understand at the time,but I soon fond out what I was. After Professor fixed me up Peace took me home with him were I meet Beetle he was nine at the time and an only child with no mom. Peace said he was going to take care of me since they never fond my parents. I was the new family member.

    So I got use to the family pretty quick. They name me Sarah Ro. Peace's human job was working behind the counter at a massage and relaxation place. He was the only super hero in the city. And Beetle baby sat me a lot,most of the time he was hanging from the cling fan by his underwear. Beetles human name is Bug. Yep I laugh too, when I hear it. I had to wear glasses tho I didn't need them, so not fare. I got my own room. The house was four stories tall, five if you count the attic, I wasn't a loud up there. Ever time I'd ask Peace why I couldn't go up there he'd just say “the attic is locked and there is no key”. I ask Beetle once and he said “Why do u want to go up there, there's nothing up there, now go away twerp, I'm playing my game”, he was pretty sorry about that one. I never fond out whats in the attic.

    One day when Peace wasn't home Beetle took me to the park and left me. Thats the day I meet my best friends for life Misty and Tommy. I was playing on the slide and tommy stand at the end and I crashed in to him. It actually hurt. It was like running in to a metal wall. I was on top of him. “Ouch”! We both said. I got up off of him. “Why did you run into ...”. He said. “Sorry”,I said. “No it's okay”. I smiled. “You okay”,said a girl running up to us. “Fine”, we said at the same time. “Hi I'm Misty”. “I'm Sarah”. “Tommy”. We spent hours playing. Until Peace came to get me. I got him to meet Tommy's parents. Peace said there was something strangely formulator about them. I thought that was the last time I'd ever see them. On the first day of kindergarden guess who was in class with me. The three of us were inseparable, up until third grade when Tommy when to boarding school. At lest I had Misty. I still haven't seen Tommy and I'm about to be thirteen.

    My Thirteen Birthday

    “Sarah, Beetle, breakfast”,called out Peace. I grab my glasses. Open the door. And in a flash I'm running down stairs, push Beetle off in the process. “Ouch”! In seconds I'm in the kitchen. “What's for breakfast”? “I see your excited”. “Are you kidding I finally get to join the team”! Peace chuckles, “it's not that big of a dill”. “Yes it is, It's my turn to fight evil”. “Man, why do you always nook me off the stairs”, Beetle complained. “I don't always”. “Yes you do”! “No I don't”! “No fighting at breakfast”, Peace said. “Fine”, We said together. “So Miss. Thirteen what do you have plained today”?

    After breakfast I opened my present. A new pare of glasses, a more indestructible pare of glasses. And guess what they look just like my old pare. Misty promised we go do something interesting. The second the door bell rings I'm there. “Hey Misty”! “I got a big surprise for you”. “What is it”! “If I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise”. “True”. “Come on”,she put her hands over my eyes, “Okay now I'm going to lead”. “Okay”. We started walking, sometime I wish I had ex-ray vision, like now. Beetle said ex-ray vision is over rated, probably because the “kids” at Supers High used it to find him with there ex-ray vision, don't ask what they do to him. “Okay were here”,Misty took her hands off my eyes. We were in the park were we meet as kids. We were the only one's there. “Nice Misty”,I lied. “Oh this isn't the surprise”. “It isn't”. “Come on Sarah, don't you know me better than that”. “Of course I do”. “Hey”, said a voice behind me. My first reaction was to elbow the guy in the gut. “Oh”! I turn around. “Sarah”,Misty complained, “It's Tommy”.Wops! I was so embarrassed. “Are you okay”? “I'll be fine”. I looked at him, I've elbow Beetle before and he's normal take's him a day or two or three to get better, of course Beetle's a wimp, but still Tommy gets better fast. “Don't worry about it”. “You sure”. “Positive, it's just like old times right”? “Right”? “So anyone want to go to the movie's or the arcade”,asked Misty? “Sure, come on Sarah”,said Tommy who was way already a head of me. I smile at him. He grabs my hand and pulls me along.

    Okay so after a movie and kicking Misty's butt at the arcade, Misty had to go home, and Tommy and me when for a walk. “I can't believe you beet my high score”, I said. “Believe it”. “What were you doing while you were gone”. “I when to boarding school”. “Really”? “Yeah I hated it nothing but, a bunch of stuck up kids”. I giggle. “Oh and the girls there total snobs, and this one keep hitting on me”. “Hitting on you”? “Wouldn't leave me alone, she was a brat, and you could tell she had a nose job and she stuffed her bra”. I almost fell over I was laughing so hard. “Oh and her friend who hit on me when she wasn't looking, had a tummy tuck”. “Your kidding”. “No, not to mention she wore a wig”. Now I fell over, well almost, Tommy cot me. “You got to be more careful Sarah”. “I'm find”. “So what have you been up to”. Ah ow! “Well you know school, going to the movie's with Misty, going to the arcade with Misty, have slumber parties,with Misty”. “Is Misty your only friend”? “Yeah kinda”. “Well now you have me back we can do stuff together”. “We”? “Wait I mean you, me, and Misty”,he said way to fast. “Ok”. Just then my cell phone rings, it's Peace. “Once sec I got to get this”. “What”? “Get here right now”,said Peace. “Why”? “We have an emergency”! Then Beetle just when slamming in to a building above us and a giant piece came crumbling down it almost hit us but, Tommy got us out of the way just in time. “Who's that with you”? “Tommy”. “Tommy's back”? “Yes he moved back”. “Can you go find a place to change”. “Okay”. I hung up the phone. “I have to go , you should go home”. “What”? “Please Tommy”. “Ah...okay, you promise you'll be careful”? “Yes”. “Okay...bye”. “Bye”.

    After I was sure Tommy was gone. I ran into an alley and changed. I must admit I looked pretty good. Light pink skirt that 3inches above my knee with my super hero initials on the right counter, light pink tank top that shows my belly button was my initials in a bigger form, light pink boots with white souls and are an inch below my knees, and white arm guards with little pink things coming off it. Let's see how well these rocket boots work. Less than a second I'm flying over next to Peace. “What's the problem”. “Mimic”. “What”? “An old foe”. “Ah why do u need me”? “I thought you wanted to be a hero”. “I do but, I was really enjoy catching up with Tommy”. “I saw, you should be grateful he saved you”. “I am”. “Are you ready”? “To go out there”? “Yes”. “No”. “Don't worry you'll do fine, just remember what I taught you, and it's plan OX9”. “Got it”. I flow off and hid behind a billboard. “Mimic, leave my son alone”. “Ah Peace my old foe, it's been what fifteen years”? “Sixteen”. “Wow that long I'm amazed your not died”. “Leave Mimic”. “Peace we both know who's stronger here”. “We both knows who's braver”. “Peace when do u learn? Oh well, I'm going to destroy you now”. I speed up to Mimic and, hit him on the back of his head and I flow behind another billboard. “What was that”. “What was what”? I flow out from behind the billboard and hit him in the face and flow behind my first billboard. I can fly fast, like you know light speed. “What are u up to Peace”? “I'm just standing here”. “Your up to something”. “I'm just waiting for you to destroy me”. Mimic shook his head his hand started glowing red and he pointed it a Beetle, “Tell me Peace what was it like losing Twilight”. “You wouldn't”. “We both know I would”. I flow out hit his legs he flipped over once. He just pointed his hand back a Beetle, it started to glow more brighter and it stared to form a ball. I might torment Beetle but, I don't want him died. I charged aiming for the center of his back. Just then he moved out of the way and grabs my arm and stops me. His touch burned a little. “This is what hit me”? “Leave her Mimic”. “Hm”. He grabbed my other arm with his other hand. A wide smile stretched across his face. “Your a robot aren't you”? “What do you care”. “Hm... I haven't seen you before, what do you call your self”? “Robot Girl”. His grin seem to get wider. “Robot Girl. I've never heard of you before. Is this your first mission”? “Yes”. “You know you have a very powerful kind of super power”. “I do”? “Yes, even more powerful that mine”. “What is your power”? “Why I'm a copier”. “A copier”. I couldn't help but, laugh. “I can copy any hero's power and use it against them”. I stopped laughing. “You can”? “Well almost any hero's except for your kind”. Oh good, if he could I'd be died. “Why are you a hero”? “Why not”? “Come on Robot Girl you could do so much better, join me, become a villain, you could rule the world, have everything you've even wanted, you could even make the boy you like fall in love with you, think about it”. “No I'm happy being a hero”. “You've just made a grave mistake”. He let go of my arms. I stared felling then my rocket boots started working and I flow back up to were I was. “You are a jerk”. He shrugged and rolled his eyes. “Get that a lot”. “Figures”. “Say what do u think of water Robot Girl”. Oh no. Water makes me short out and rust. And if I get it in my ear it'll get to my memory files and wipe them clean. “You know I like rain it's so nice and clean”. Some clouds form over head. It was about to start raining when a bug fly in his ear. Beetles good for something. “Ah get out of my ear, you stupid little bug”. His hands over his ear and I got a clear shot. I charge and hit him dead center as hard as I can. Now he's hunched over clinching his stomach. The good part about being make of metal I hit hard. I nail him is the spin he falls to the ground. We fly down there but, he's gone. “Where'd he go”? “I don't know”. “Man I think I broke a wing”. The people come out of the building cheering of us, for me. “Come on you two we have to get back home”. “Okay”. “Wait girl”. It's a person who works for the paper. “What's your name”? “Robot girl”.

    I made the front page and morning news. “Well done Sarah”. “Thanks Peace”. “I must say you did very well”. “Really”? “Really”. “Wow my first mission”. I feel proud and strong and powerful, like I could take the world. Beetle walked down stairs. “Bug do you have anything to say to Sarah”? He sighs, “Good job rookie”. “Right back at you, rookie”. “Welcome to the team Sarah”.