• ~Prolouge~
    Where to start, where to start? I guess I'll have to start with the beggining. At the start of my change.
    ~Chapter 1~
    I ran. Fast. Faster then I ever had before. My breath was coming in shallow gasps and my heart was racing faster then ever. All I knew was that I had to get away. That whatever was chasing me was not natural. Was not human. I looked behind me once to see how close they had came and gasped. They were right behind me. Within an arms reach. I tripped and went tumbling head over heels. They quickly jumped on top of me then everything went black.
    When I come to all I can tell is that I'm in a tent. I try to sit up only to find myself tied down. I start to stuggle and scream for help and before long I hear rustling behind me.
    "Wow you have strong lungs for a girl in your condition." a girl with a whimsical voice says behind me. "Don't worry though, I'll get you out in a jiffy."
    I can hear her kneel down beside me and cut off the ropes that were holding me down.
    I sit up to turn and face her. She's a beautiful mocha color with black hair and long straight brown hair.
    "My names Kristi but most people just call me Lele." she says "Whats yours?"
    "Whats my name?" I said mostly to myself. "Ummmm...I think my name is Lelita." I think long and hard. The past events had whipped my memory. "Yes thats it. My name is Lelita Morningbloom."
    "Well Lelita, welcome to the Foothills."
    "The Foothills?" I asked "What is the Foothills?"
    She started to get nervous "Ummmm...I'll have time to explain later. Right now we have to get you to The Elders and tell them that your awake."
    She grabbed me by the wrist and I trembeled at her touch. Her hands were cold. Like a black abyss into unkown unweilding darkness full of mystery and sorrow. I didn't have time to think about this long though because she dragged me out of the tent into a large camp. There were tents everywhere but that was all I could see. The tents. Because everything else was shrowded in darkness.
    We kept on moving and I didn't have time to ask her why that was so. She dragged me into a large tent in the center of the camp, and that is how my first world ended and my second one began.
    ~Chapter 2~
    When we walked into the tent it took a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. When they finnally did I could see that there were ten other people in the room besides us. They were all sitting in chairs that reminded me of thrones. A few of them were resting their chins on their fists others were just staring up at the ceiling of the tent.
    "Excuse me, you elderness." Lele said bowing so I decided to do the same.
    "Ah, Kristi, what have you brought us?" One of the Elders said.
    "I have brought you the new one Aoi." she said finnally raising, so I did the same.
    "New one, what is your name?" the man, Aoi, said to me.
    "My name is Lelita." I said looking at him. Something about him was off but I couldn't place it.
    "You will be known by Lelita no more." Said a girl sitting beside Aoi.
    "Then what will I be known by? Lelita is my name!" I said. I didn't like the woman at all.