• I woke up only to see what i did not want to see. The sky had a gray, green tint and the clouds looked even more polluted. I sat up to see my surrounding. Only to see shriveled up shrubs and small bushes, not a tree in sight. In the distance I could see mountains covering the land around me. It told me that this land was not for me, and I had only one way out.

    The gun laying next to me had a note on it stating that I was not alone. I did not wish to read the note so I left it their, the gun was out of bullets anyways. I stood up dusting myself off. The world around me smelled foul and empty. I tried to walk but my leg could not take the pain, there for I fell back down. My eyes began too blur and the world turned black as I watched a shadowy figure walk from over a hill.

    I dreamed that I was walking hand in hand with my love. We walked in a garden full of beautiful and colorful flowers. Cherry blossoms where blowing in the wind as a stream flowed under us. I closed my eyes as he turned to give me a kiss, but off in the distance I heard a scream of a young girl. My eyes opened quickly as my head swung into the direction of the scream. His face pail and scared, he grabbed my arm and said,
    "Don't go over their, please!". I asked what was going on but he didn't answer, instead he bleakly starred me in the face and asked,
    "You love me don't you?"
    I could only answer with a,
    " Of course but,"
    He sapped back saying,
    "Good, then you wont go."

    The dream faded away as I awoken. It intrigued me that I was in a house. I expected to be dead and free from this world, but I was much to important for that. I had a greater purpose in life than I expected. If only I knew what was in store for me that day...