Hmm... what should I do when my best friend appears in a place a fabulous Vampire just so happens to be at? And what should I do if my best friend likes that fabulous Vampire who just so happens to be my boyfriend?

    I awoke to Takuto and Eichi talking rather loudly, followed by throaty laughter. I cringed at the sound of a baseball bat cracking against cement and splintering, but it was only Takuto jokingly slapping Eichi on the back.

    "--Ayu! Can you believe it?!" Takuto boomed. I shot upright from Eichi's--and my--bed.

    "What about me?" I sneered, trying--but failing--to sound upright upset.

    Takuto and Eichi went silent and stared at me from across the bed. I threw the covers off myself, walked to the foot of the bed, and glared into their eyes. Takuto grinned pervertedly at me, as did Eichi. I slapped them both, one at a time, but neither of them were fazed. Takuto grinned once more and said slickly,

    "Oh, you wouldn't want to know, would you? Right, Eichi?"

    Eichi nodded, trying to hold in his laughter and surprisingly succeding.

    "Yeah, Takuto. She wouldn't want to know," he directed his attention to me," would you, Ayu? Unless you wanted to..." He pondered, thinking of a word. But Takuto beat him to it and sputtered annoyingly,

    "Go beserk,"

    I glared once more before I stormed out of the bedroom and into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I wet the toothbrush, put some toothpaste on it, and brushed my teeth for two long minutes. It wasn't until I finished that I realized Eichi was watching me calmly. I was ready to explode and attack him, but instead I acted all non-chalant about it and asked, "Hey, Eichi, what're you doing in here?"

    He smiled half-heartedly and replied, "Oh, nothing, just checking in on you." I just had to giggle at that. He chuckled and softly grabbed me by my elbow, dragging me out of the bathroom, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. He sat me at a table, well, the only table in there, and grabbed a plate full of onigiris and sushi. He placed it in front of me along with a fork.

    He sat next to me, but with no food. He just watched me chow down, probably noting how awakward I did so. He chuckled, probably reading that thought I had, and said randomly and jokingly, "I'll be your Edward if you'll be my Bella." I belted out a loud laugh and turned red in the process. I decided to be corny as well and recited the worst pick-up line I could think of at the moment, "Hmm, I seemed to have lost my phone number. Can I borrow yours?" I knew it was horrible but, hey, we were having a corny moment.

    Eichi replied back with an even worse pick-up line, "Are you lost? Because heaven is a looong way from here!" I giggled for about five seconds, but went back to eating. Eichi chuckled at what he just said and sighed. Takuto came bouncing into the kitchen, snickered, and asked, "Hey... was that laughing I heard? Were you two getting it on?" I glared at him and Eichi kicked him in the shin, fazing him slightly.

    "Then... were you two saying stupid pick-up lines like it sounded?" He asked, coiling his arm around my shoulder. He mocked rudely, "'I'll be your Edward is you'll be my Bella!' 'Hmm, I seemed to have lost my phone number. Can I bowwor yours?' 'Are you lost? Because heaven is a looong way from here!'" He made kissy noises, retracted his arm, and yelled, "Woo-hoo!" followed by an extremely rude pelvic thrust.

    Eichi kicked him in the shin again, harder this time. Takuto was laughing and groaning at the same time, holding his shin in pain. I gave him my most evil death-glare and held up a fist to show that I meant serious bizz. He limped away, shouting something barely audibley to Wakoji. Hmmph, jerk.

    "I can't disagree to that, Ayu," Eichi chuckled. I quickly downed the remains of my onigiris and sushi and stood up. Eichi stood up as well and took my hand. He started walking towards the garage door and called out, "Wakoji! Takuto! Ayu and I are going for a drive!" Takuto only laughed in response and Eichi opened the garage door. He got into the driver side in his car and I got into the passenger side.

    Eichi started the car and shoved the keys into the ignition. We both buckled our seatbelts and he sped off at around one hundred miles per hour. I gripped onto the seat and my nails poked little holes in the sides. Oh yeah, my nails are slightly longer than the average human's nails. Oh well.


    We arrived at a cafe in downtown. Eichi put his car in "park" and we got out. We walked into the cafe hand-in-hand. We walked up to the cashier and I nearly freaked out. "Yuki...?!" I yelled, very sure that the cashier was my best friend from the orphanage. The cashier looked at me, gave me the once-over, and stared wide eyed at me. "Uh... whoa... are you... Ai?" She stammered. I shook my head and replied, "Ayu. From the... orphanage. Remember?" The cashier gave me the once-over again, a smile creeping across her face, "Ayu... Ayu... Oh! Ayu!" I smiled back, and Eichi grunted and rolled his eyes.

    "So, Ayu, what would you like?" Yuki asked me, not noticing Eichi at all. I gazed briefly at the menu pinned up on the wall and replied, "Uh... chocolate chip cookie... and... a Hazelnut coffee!" Yuki nodded and said, "Okay, coming right up," but I realized Eichi hadn't ordered. "Wait, Yuki! My boyfriend didn't order!" I yelled, waving my hands around. She spun around and stared at him, saying, "Oh... uh... sure... wow..." under her breath. Eichi rolled his eyes again and sneered, "Just get me a chocolate brownie. Plain, no nuts." Yuki blushed and nodded, starting to brew my coffee. She grabbed a chocolate cookie and plain brownie and threw them at Eichi and luckily he caught it. She finished making my coffee and shoved it at him as well.

    Yuki blushed as she looked into his eyes and said, "T-Take all that for free, s-sir! Good day, Ayu! W-Wait, can I s-sit with you guys?!" Eichi looked at me for support and I frowned in response, so he shook his head quickly and we scurried to a table. He handed me my coffee and cookie. He unwrapped his brownie and took a bite, but before he could start chewing, Yuki appeared at our table, blushing. "S-So... Mr. Man... what's with you and Ayu dating, huh? Are you her kidnapper? Tell me all of it... hee hee..."