• The air cold and brittle.US Milittary base 51200345%/2 ready for defence.It was raining then... I was told make the Ultimate weapon by caiptain Toby Dunken.
    I started to think of the invencable form of weapon.I Thought that if there was the ultra soldier could be the perfect thing I didn't kill anyone to make it though the night that I was stablizing his function they found my sector.they looked at my creation.It was made of the fastest,strongest,smartest animales on the planet.Including dead humans.The stablizer was a skeleton made of metal the strongest there was.They said it was illegal I said that war should be so as well. I said that they were murdering people I keept working. I was bleeding from gun shots they hurt like H@#$!^%#$&^^@L I finnished and gave them the weapon.It was quiet it was only listening to everything like as if its speach was not working and it wasn't they shot him I blocked the blows.Drip slpater drip my blood was drain ed from my body my last words were take care of it...coughing I tryed to please you...I the phantom of that women,who worked on that creation cursed them and my creation killed them off and stopped the war.In his victory he destoried himself! crying