• "Have fun at detention~!"
    "Oh, I'm sure he'll have a whale of a time."
    "Yeah yeah, very funny, now bugger off before I eat both of you alive."
    "Oooh! Pretty-boy's gone all grumpy-wumpy!" Miya tugged my cheeks.
    I glare.
    She giggled.
    "See you tomorow, okay? Try not to get your heart ripped out by the Old-man." Drake gave me the "peace" sign, while I gave him the same, just with the direction of my hand pointing differently from his.
    The two started walking home before Miya suddenly spun around, strands of long red hair flying in all directions. "Kyro.."
    "Yeah?" She almost sounded worried, but I assumed an insult was at the ready.
    "Um.. Be careful on your way home, alright?..."
    "..Sure?" She opened her mouth, but words seemed lost on her. She nodded and ran on towards home. I shrugged it off. She was probably teasing me and I hadn't realised it yet.

    Detention. Not much to say. Boredom. Suicidal thoughts. Considered killing Mackenzie with a sharpie pen.

    Two whole hours of my life wasted. Joy.
    I'm glad I brought my bike today. There's a cycler's pass, but it's pretty steep riding up; but despite getting up it being a b*tch, getting down it involves no effort. Besides, the view is quite pretty.
    I hop on, and an unexpected feeling of dread hits me in the stomach.
    'Hush, now, brain. The ride is not that bad. It is worth it for the breezing ride down.'
    And with that, I cycle towards the path,

    This is a curious place for cycling. It's over a hill, yes, but the side of this supposed hill has been completely cut off. As in, there is nothing there. The only thing stopping you from falling off the edge being a metal fence, high enough that it would take a lot of effort to get over it.
    Unless you're thrown with a great force.
    Like being sent forwards off a bike?
    No, even that probably wouldn't get you completely over.
    It probably wouldn't send you flying over the edge, to a 13 meter drop (ish).
    But the question is, if a bike with failed brakes jammed in the bottom of the fence would not send you flying over the top, to certain death...
    Why I was thrown across the sky makes little sense.
    But then, I think that day lots of things gave on up sense or logic.
    Life just did what it want.
    And demons got a laugh out of it.


    They say when you are about to die (And we have been told this by many people with near-death experiences) your life flashes before your eyes. They say you see things you love, and things you would miss, and things you regret...
    I didn't, though.
    Yes, I saw my life.
    But I didn't see memories.
    I didn't see my younger siblings birth, or my party when I was turning 8, or my first time shooting a gun (Long story)...
    I saw what would've happened.
    I saw the life Kyro Akintie was going to have if his brakes hadn't failed.
    If he hadn't been thrown off the end of the cycler's path, with a stupid cliff-like edge.
    If the fence hadn't failed it's purpose, even though it shouldn't have.
    And quite frankly,
    It bored me.
    I saw myself graduating from school (barely).
    I saw myself following in the footsteps of my father, becoming a cop.
    I saw myself one day meeting the perfect girl, with long brown hair, and deep green eyes that sparkled with every smile.
    I saw children, grandchildren...
    But nothing worth anything.
    Nothing that would make me kill to have, or kill to keep.
    And that's what worried me more than being thrown off the cycler's path.
    And that's why when everything turned black, I felt no hit and felt no pain..
    When I heard the voice ask me that question...
    I was....


    "Kyro Akintie. Date of birth 25th July 1995. Date of death October 3rd 2010. Is that right, huh..." That voice almost seemed frightning. I didn't know if that was a statement or question. I didn't know what the voice wanted. I couldn't decribe it in any other way that "Un-nerving". I didn't know where I was, I didn't know who the voice was. I didn't know what had happened, or what was going to happen, or--
    "Kyro, do you want to die?"
    Or why he asked me that.
    "I don't wish for death." I felt I should be formal to such a voice. I don't know why. I'm an athiest. I didn't instantly assume the voice belonged to God.
    "Wouldn't you rather die now, though? You're life is happy. You haven't experienced pain. You could die now, and never know hurt."
    "Happy?.. the lack of pain does not mean my life is happy. It simply means it isn't painful."
    "Then do you wanto to continue living? Is it really worth the risk of suffering when you could die now?"
    I wanted to smile.
    "No risk, no gain. My life has had no point. If I die now, I may as well not have lived. I do not want to waste a life like that."
    "You're strong about this decision. I will allow it to be so on one request."
    "...And that is?"
    To be honest, I was sort of unfussed by this whole thing. When you're in shock from almost-death, it's hard to be more suprised about anything else. The main thing on my mind was 'STOP. BEING. DEAD.'
    I probably should have thought about this a lot more.
    But hey. What was the worst that can happen, right?
    "Will you play with me?"
    The answer is, a lot.