• We briefly clashed with our enemies before they were completely killed. Not a scratch on any of us, not one person died. Once the battle subsided, we had to head west of the ruined town. There, we meet a host of surviving dwarven riflemen and their champion, Manfred Goldbeard, who claims to be trying to rid of the undead legions while evacuating and looking for survivors himself. Apparently, he has information about Denzel Crassus preparing to pull the universe into its largest war it's ever seen... maybe even several times as bigger as World War I, or so he says.

    [the clashing begins. I had pulled myself into a sword fight with the renegade Gaians while Crystal and Jade supported with healings, buffs, and even long ranged attacks. The elven archers had supported us and so did Captain Antonio Barerra's footmen]

    Me: [lands colossal hack attacks on one of the soldiers]

    Crystal Cheung: [solar rays]

    Jade Watts: [summons three water elementals to fight for her]

    [many of the renegades were slaughtered, if not all. The fewest of renegade Gaians retreated]

    Me: [hunter's bow at one of the fleeing enemies, killing them] Alright, I guess that's the last of them.... for now.

    Captain Antonio Barerra: They might come back soon once they incite reinforcements!

    Priestess Jade Watts: We'll have to push forward and move to the west! We can probably fortify ourselves from there!

    Crystal Cheung: There is no base for any of us!

    Priestess Jade Watts: Well, we can use those last-standing buildings for cover when we clear them out of any enemies hiding in there.

    Me: We only have critical time to do what we have to do. Besides, I'd rather find Nathan Sanders in this fallen town and get the hell out of here rather than yielding my flesh to the undead and becoming one of them! Now, let's go!

    [me and a small force were running straight to the western part of Rougeport... until we come across a group of dwarven riflemen shooting a group of ghouls and renegade soldiers]

    Manfred Goldbeard: Fire, lads! This barricade won't live much longer at its feet! We'll have to make the most out of what we can, boys! Keep firing!

    [gunfire is heard]

    Priestess Jade Watts: We have to help them!

    Me: I'm on it. ATTACK!!!!!!

    [all of us stepped in to assist the dwarves in fighting the undead and renegade Gaians. The battle lasted only several minutes before the enemies retreated once again]

    Manfred Goldbeard: Whoo, thanks for helping us out there, lad... we would have died already!

    Crystal Cheung: [diagnose] How long have you been here?

    Manfred Goldbeard: Ahhh, I just had some "small business" to take care of. I heard Rougeport was under siege since my men and I came TOO late. Now, most of my men have perished and now I feel like I have no way out to escape. But really, am I glad to see that you guys are survivors!

    Captain Antonio Barerra: Who are you, anyway?

    Manfred Goldbeard: The name's Goldbeard, Manfred Goldbeard.

    Me: I'm David. These are my companions: Crystal Cheung, Antonio Barerra, and Jade Watts. I recently escaped from Barton Town sometime ago.

    Manfred Goldbeard: Are you serious? I heard that the town was overwhelmed so badly that no one can escape the grasp of the undead---in other words, no one can escape. Besides, Denzel Crassus is planning some big-time world domination in his hands; all of his actions are about to pull this world into another dangerous war anyone has ever seen.... possibly several times larger and even worse than the first World War in the history of the world.

    Priestess Jade Watts: Crassus? I heard he's also capturing other towns and making them state-slaves so that his empire can expand all of his political and military means.

    Manfred Goldbeard: Aye, he's aiming for it. I've even seen the animated forces growing too numerous... and he's ready to seize them under his control.

    Me: Well, we can't fight an entire universe of his minions alone; we're going to need EVERYONE'S cooperation if we're going to put a stop to his animated empire once and for all. I'm trying to incite some reinforcements for myself so I can raze a powerful army with all the members of my clan. I'll do whatever I can to put an end to this world's nightmare of animated and undead.

    Crystal Cheung: I want to help you, David!

    Me: Thank you, Crystal.

    Manfred Goldbeard: We're all willing to raze armies, kid. There's not that much of us, anyway. If we're going to fight a whole horde of those filthy dogs, we'll need some powerful weapons for greater military advantages despite our small numbers. If we need to expand ourselves, we'll have to train the survivors into military fighters and liberate anyone else who is captured.

    Priestess Jade Watts: If I must, I can incite a sea fleet so that I can provide supplies for the armies.

    Captain Antonio Barerra: Then I'll help both of you fight in the front lines.

    Manfred Goldbeard: Sounds good, lad.

    Me: Well, we can worry about this later. I still need to find Nathan Sanders.

    Manfred Goldbeard: Do not worry, young Dave. If it means losing the last of my men for a little while, I shall support you in every way I can.

    Me: You're too kind. How can I repay you?

    Manfred Goldbeard: Aye, you don't need to repay me anything, there. I'm just interested in providing you some backup in the front lines of battles.

    Me: Alright, if you say so. OK.... we'll have to start looking for Nathan Sanders HARDER. Everyone, split up and search; we'll regroup later in the same place we're in!

    (End of Chapter 6, Part 1)