• *Blink* I’m flying through the air, how strange. Why is it strange? I don’t remember why. There’s a mountain. Baphomet. What’s a Baphomet? I don’t know. Down, I need to go down. There a cave. Promana. Promana, Promana, what’s a Promana? My arms are tired. What are arms, I don’t have arms, I have wings. Perch, I need a perch. There, that big shiny, glowy, tree thingy will do. “Caw”

    *Blink* The cry pierced the echoing noise of the Promana. Silence descended in its wake, as everyone looked to see where the cry came from. “Caw” All looked at the source of the cry. It was a bird, sitting upon one of the lamp posts. A voice, my voice, pierced the silent air. “It’s a raven.” The city seemed to ring with the sound of one word; “Raven,” and then echoing silence.

    Thoughts racing, mind reeling, memories of years long past wake…