[From the earth thine power flows, given through courtesy, so thanks are owed. Pluck thou the magic seed, where full moon, ancient oak and twisted water meet. And bury it far, from where it was found, so return your gift into the ground.]
The ritual. The thing every fairy does to recharge their magic. I was low on magic again, which seems to be happening lately since Artemis Fowl kidnapped me.
The full moon was high in the night sky. It was so beautiful. A bright light that was surrounded by infinite darkness.
I was flying toward the place I got kidnapped. I loved to fly, as every fairy does. The wind on your face,soaring high and seeing everything, the peace and quiet...what's not to like? But thinking of flying reminds me of Chix and how he will never fly again. A disasterous thing for a sprite, who believe they are God's gift to women because they have wings. I shook my head, trying to get rid of these thoughts. I had no time for sentiment. Chix was still alive and I needed to get the ritual over with.
When I reached the place, I scanned the site for lfe forms. Then when my feet touched the ground, I searched the area again. You can never be too careful, as I had learned.
When I was satisfied that no one was around, I turned off my shield and started to look for acorns. I was about to panic because I couldn't find one, when my left hand bumped into something small. I picked it up, and it was an acorn. I grinned, now all I had to do was find a place to bury it. I flew a few miles away and landed by a pile of rocks. I scooped up the dirt with my bare hands until I had made a suitable enough hole. I dropped the acron into the hole and whispered, "I return you to the earth, and reclaim the gift that is my right." I waited for a second before I felt the magic surging in. It was a tingly feeling that started in my toes and went up becoming more and more intense. I loved the feeling of running hot. It makes you feel powerful, invincible.
Now that the ritual was over, I switched my shield back on and headed for home. Before I left aboveground and took one last look around. I wodered when I'd come up again. (Which was probably soon, seeing the amount of times Fowl put us in trouble.) I took one last breath of fresh air, before the ground swallowed me up.

- Title: The Ritual
- Artist: myshell11
Some wierd story I felt like writing after reading Artemis Fowl and since yesterday was a full moon... It seems rushed, and not very Holly like, since yes, it is from Holly's POV. The title's retarded but voila, enjoy my random work.
Oh yeah, and you shouldn't read this if you haven't read the second book. - Date: 06/26/2010
- Tags: ritual artemis fowl
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