• I kept driving. Effy's moaning was gradually softening. Usually it's only a matter of hours for a Burrower to replace your brain, but Effy's body must have been putting up quite a fight. I kept wondering if she was going to die. What would I do with out her? I abruptly ended my thoughts, it was hurting me just to think. She had to survive, she just had to.

    We reached Custard and I quickly rushed her into the museum. Two medics quickly carried her off into the lab and I suddenly got more worried. The looks on their face were shocked and nervous. I waited for hours before the doctor came out, sighed in relief, and announce hat she was going to be back to normal, no brain damage or personality changes. I think I must have been really worried because I think I fainted at the news.

    When I woke up Effy was leaning over me saying, "I was so worried about you! I thought you went into a coma or something!" Then she kept going on and on about seeing into the mind of the Burrower. She said she saw some really creepy stuff. She stopped in the middle of a sentence when I practically lunged at her, embracing her in my arms. She blushed and said, "I am alright, everythings going to be okay." I think I must have been crying because my eyes stung like crazy. I was glad she was okay. I wish it was me rather than her that had to suffer like that. Then I told her, "I love you. I couldn't live without you." She said, "I know. I love you too." Then we kissed and reality seemed to fade away. Zombies? Zombies didn't exsist in that split second. The world was whole and our lives as they should be: with each other.