• (Chapter 4: The Plan of Deceptions)
    tab Finally, I thought, I’m getting closer and closer to the criminal. While driving my silver BMW, I headed towards the Arizona DNA Lab that is strictly forbidden unless identification is given to them.
    tab Once I arrived at the site, a security guard greeted me along with a small sky blue building that lingered nearby. “Identification please,” said the guard.
    tab Quickly and eagerly, I rummaged through my brown Coach bag, looking for my FBI ID card. Once I discovered it was under a pile of items such as makeup, wallet, etc., I swiftly grabbed it and showed it to the security guard. With on quick swipe of his hand, the guard had it held on his hand. I could see his blue eyes, even through the dim light of the small building, moving from left to right continuously as he read it.
    tab “You may pass,” he said.
    tab “Thank you, sir,” I replied after retrieving back my license. I drove away and headed towards the massive white building with numerous glass windows as the guard retreated to his small building.
    tab I parked on the spot closest to the building to avoid walking. Hurriedly, I sprinted through the automatic doors and talked to the receptionist.
    tab “May I help you?” she asked.
    tab “Yes, please. May I speak to Deidra McCorwell? It’s urgent.” I responded as calmly as possible, so I didn’t seem as if I yearned to abduct her.
    tab “Deidra McCorwell?” she paused, “Oh, yes, Deidra from floor three! Please, wait, ma’am.” The woman picked up a black wire phone that lay in front of her on the green desk, dialed numbers, and asked for Deidra. After speaking, she responded, “She’ll be down in a few.”
    tab I couldn’t wait. My eagerness wouldn’t allow me. Thus, being guided with eagerness, I began heading towards the elevator while the receptionist who assisted me was too occupied reading her How to Attract Men magazine to notice. When the elevator doors opened, I was met with a tall skinny woman with black hair wearing a white lab coat. Quickly, I asked, “Are you Deidra McCorwell?”
    tab “Yes, I am,” she replied calmly, “Why?”
    tab “I’m wondering if you could analyze this right away and compare it to the sample I gave you last time. Oh, and my name’s Xion Yukuta. We’ve met before, but not in person.” I took out the samples of blood that I retrieved from the two buffoons earlier and showed them to Deidra. Upon viewing them, she took the samples and invited me towards the inside of the elevator as a sign that she agreed to my request.

    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab **********

    tab After an hour of waiting, which seemed like four to me, Deidra finally exited that room that contained no windows for me to peer through.
    tab “Excellent news, one of the blood samples match to the other!” she said happily.
    tab With excitement, I quickly stood up and asked, “Who was it matched with?”
    tab “The blood was matched with Mr. Wachigo, “she replied.
    tab Suddenly and quickly – quicker before my reaction to what Deidra had said –, a bullet had raced past my ear. Along with a loud thump on the ground, another lab assistant had yelled. There, in front of me on the ground, laid Deidra’s dead body. Her blood began pouring and spreading out onto the floor and formed a pool. A bullet had struck her forehead.
    tab Immediately after what had just occurred, I took out a tazer gun from my bag, aimed at the man wearing a black coat who had a pistol on his hand, and shot.
    tab With a quick jolt, the man fell to the floor with a yell of pain. I ran towards the man’s body, turned him around, and glared hard at his face. It was Mr. Wachigo. Immediately, I had known that he originally aimed for me, but his Deidra instead. He was going to kill me next, though, I thought.
    tab I took out silver handcuffs from my bag (I’m always prepared), and locked him in them. “You, sir, are in massive trouble.”
    tab Finally, I caught him. The criminal who killed an innocent life. And another. The liar and traitor as a friend.
    tab Finally, it’s over.