• {I'm back! Yay! *Cracks knuckles* Let's get this b**** started, yeah?}

    The rabbit scrubbed the wooden floors, cleaning the dust and blood stains off as best he could. The room filled with the smell of soap and fresh outdoor air. It smelt better for rabbit. It was a different story for the wolf, he thought the smell was odd, since he had had this smell in his den for so long he wasn't used to it. The wolf pinched his nose and growled. The rabbit didn't notice this and kept cleaning the floors.
    The sun was only two hours from rising and the job was almost done. The rabbit only had a small patch of the room to finish. He panted and looked up from the wood boards. "Almost there..." He says.
    The wolf could smell his sweat and that his mood was pleased. He unplugged his nose, getting a better smell of him. His stomach growled in lust of the rabbits body.
    The rabbit looked at him and smiled. "I almost forgot you were there, Okami-sama." He says.
    The wolf glared at him. "Don't call me that, fuzz ball. We just met a few hours ago."
    The rabbit blinked. "I think that's long enough... and I've already been invited inside your house... But, okay, if you don't want me calling you that, it's fine, Okami. Sorry." He said bowing his head.
    The wolf looked away, feeling sick of looking at him. "Whatever... Make me something to eat. I think I have some left overs in the fridge." He ordered.
    The rabbit nodded and put the mop down before walking past the wolf into the kitchen. "How old are they?" He asks.
    The wolf shrugged. "I don't know." He grumbled.
    The rabbit opened the fridge and saw a plate of raw meat. He grimaced and covered his nose. "It's rotten." He whined.
    The wolf growled. "So, unrotten it."
    The rabbit smirked. "I don't even think that's possible." He said picking the plate up and walking over to the trash.
    The wolf jumped and pointed at the small boy. "Don't you dare throw that meat away! I worked hard for that!" He shouted.
    The rabbit looked at him, his eyes innocent. "But, you'll get sick if you eat it. And I don't think that would be very good if your already going hungry and need to get more food while your sick. It would only make things worse." He said tilting the plate.
    The wolf watched as his hard earned meat slid off the glass plate and landed into the garbage ontop of bones and other things. He growled deep and glared at the rabbit. "You little b*****d!"
    The rabbit seemed to have a sudden burst of bravery and narrowed his eyes at the wolf. "Did you not hear me? You would have gotten sick if you ate that. And we both can't have that."
    The wolf was taken aback by the rabbits bravery and hesitated before lashing back. "It doesn't matter! What am I supposed to eat now!? I'm going to starve because of you!"
    The rabbit smirked. "No you won't. I know a few recipes that will keep you going for a few days."
    The wolf growled. "Yeah, right."
    The rabbit walked to the pantries and opened them, one by one. He found no spices or sauces he could use to make the wolf something to eat. The rabbit blinked. "How do you have nothing? Don't you add flavors to your food to make them better?"
    The wolf shook his head, glaring at the stupid rabbit. "No. I eat the food right away before the flies have a chance to eat it." He said.
    The rabbit shook his head. "I'm going to have to walk around the pick a few spices for you then... But, for now I guess I'll go around and try to find a bird or something for you to eat..." He said feeling his stomach tightening. The bunny had never killed anything more than a simple ant, so for him to actually go out and kill a bird for a wolf was like jumping across a river. He swallowed hard and looked at the floor. 'I don't know how I'll do it, but I will.'
    The wolf sighed and turned away, walking towards the door. "No. I'll do it myself, but I want you to finish up the room. Oh, and when I get back I want you to have spices ready for you to cook me something more flavorful for me. Got it?" He grumbled.
    The rabbit nodded, smirking in relief. "Of course." He was releaved that he wouldn't have to kill a poor animal for the beast and that he would have some alone time to clean.

    The wolf walked around outside, looking for something to eat. But only smelt the still lurking scent of the rabbit. It was dark out still, but the pink streaks across the sky called out 'Morning' to everyone who saw them.
    {Damn, I have to go again. Bye, bye. I'm sorry.}