• Biebs was shaken. He had never seen someone die before, especially not someone so close to him, and ESPECIALLY not in such a violent manner. He looked at Edward in schock and backed away as quickly as he could.

    "Holy s**t. I knew vampyres were crazy, but this is just insane. I think I need to write a song." Biebs dealt with his internal issuses through his songs. But the room was so loud, he couldn't think. He walked over to where Maid!Astley was still standing, and asked where the farthest bathroom was. Maid!Astley gave him very detailed directions, and Biebs thanked him and went on his way.

    Biebs took a left, then a right, then he went up the stairs, through the temple of doom, the cave of wonders, and the kitchen, and then up some more stairs, down some more stairs, another left, and anoter, and then decided that he was lost. The Cullen estate was huge, no lai, and the directions he had gotten form Maid!Astley were extremely confusing and involved a llama named Paco. All of the stress from the party and Usher's death was starting to get to him, and he started tearing up.

    Wait, why was he getting so emotional over Usher's death? He was the one who had instigated the break up, after all. And usher was a brute, always making Biebs dress up like a little girl for his own sick amusment (though Biebs had to admit, it did suit him). He should be glad for his death, right? But there was a part of him who still loved Usher, not the brute who would tie him to the bed, but the man who was always there to save him when it seemed the whole world was falling down. The part that was only for show, but he missed it all the same.

    "Hey, kid, why are you crying?"

    Biebs looked up and wiped his eyes. "I'm not crying," he said.

    "Okay, well, if you want to talk about it..."

    "Hey, who are you, anyway?"

    The other kid grinned. "My name's Sora. I was looking for the bathroom, but I got lost..."

    Biebs smiled. "Hey, me too. I think Maid!Astley screwed us over on purpose."

    "Yeah, IKR? I mean, I must have walked by five rooms that have no point whatsoever, but no bathroom at all in this place!" Sora pursed his lips. "Wait, do vampyres even need to use the restroom?"

    Biebs chuckled. "IDK. I don't think so, though." He stood up-he was the same height as Sora-and looked around. "Well, there doesn't seem to be anything here. Should we see if we can fidn our way back to the party?"