• Softly whispered words are breathed across my frozen cheek, bouncing meaningless upon deaf ears. He smiles. This smile is misplaced. It doesn’t belong in this horrible scene. His smile is warm, kind, caressing. As he gently holds my blood stained face. With long pale pianist fingers her draws a heart on the opposite cheek. Smiling wider still as the blood stains. How can this be? He set the scene so perfectly. How could I have guessed? The tall princely aristocrat with angel blond hair in charmingly tousled curls and mesmerizing sapphire eyes. He who said he loved me…was my murderer. See the irresistible bait, the private room hidden deep within the mansion, furnished with luxury. Such wealth, revered even among the elite the beautiful mahogany fireplace casting the golden glow over the room, and illuminating the plush couch where he sat. The light danced across the chandeliers’ crystal tear drops as the candles burned, content. Dancing and laughing even as he takes the silver knife and slits my throat. It’s too bad really; I had such potential, such a future. My mother’s plan for me really wasn’t so bad…The last words I hear are from him, the prince who was really never the same since she left. With her sudden death the club closed, the hosts had faded into shells of their former selves, but non-so-much as him: The king, Tamaki Souo. His voice echoes in my ears as sound and light fade from me. “I love you…Haruhi…”