• The dream was always the same.I would be sitting beside a lake that reflected everything around it in glistening beauty.There was always a rock in the center of that lake.She was always on the stone looking at me smiling and calling my name,"Charles!Help me Charles!.".I would always jump into the lake to swim out to her,but before I reach her I always drown.Then I wake up.One feeling remains after I awake.The feeling that I love that girl and she means more to me than anything else ever will.

    I told my mom about the dream one time.She told me to ignore it,but I can't.It comes everynight and I feel as if it has some deeper meaning.I feel like the dream is part of some adventure not yet begun.I know that it is more than just a dream.It is a vision of something to come.I will find her someway,one day..

    I was walking down the street to school when out of a alley walked a man of about 50.He walked out so quietly that I didn't notice him till I ran into him and almost knocked him over."Sorry sir."I said.He looked at me and smiled,"No worries young man.It is my fault I should have stopped before walking out in front of you.".He seemed nice,but he was looking at me strangely."Young man there is something about you that makes me think you are the one I have spent my entire life searching for.".I looked at him with a look of pure bewilderment upon my face,"You've been looking for me?!".He chuckled and replied,"Yes.I have searched long and hard for the Keeper of the Night.".

    I started laughing.The man must be crazy.He looked at me and said in a serious tone,"This is no joke Charles.".How did he know my name?Was he some sort of stalker?I turned to run away,but a thought flashed into my mind and I stopped dead in my tracks,"I am the one you seek old man." I said.I had not ment to say it,but it came out all the same.The man looked at me and said,"You have a dream do you not?Of a girl in the center of a lake?.".I nodded solemnly.He knew about the dream.

    I felt I should trust him."What is it you need of me." I asked looking up at him.He smiled,"I only need you to take a journey with me.To a land uknown.Your true birth land.".He agreed to come with him and he waved his hand.Next thing I knew we were standing in a field with the moon shining down on us.The stars were shining with a starnge intensity.

    "Where are we?" I asked.The old man laughed,"We are in the Wolven Realms.Land of the Wolven people.People of the land and the night.".I felt as if I had heard that name somewhere.All of a sudden I felt like I need to know the old man's name."What is you name?" I asked.He looked at me closely,"I am Zikariam.".I scoffed.That name!It was so familiar.

    "I just realized I know you.From another dream of mine.Your a dragon aren't you?" I asked.He chuckled."Well Charles or should I say Lord Wolven?Your memory is returning.".I had one question dominating my mind though,"Who is the girl?" I asked in a pleading tone."She is the only person to ever truly win your heart Charles.She is the Lady Sarah."He stated.I almost fainted.My heart had started beating rapidly at the sound of the name.I had lost most of my memory,but my heart still felt for the girl.All of a sudden it all came back.

    She was kidnapped and taken to the Lake of Mirrors.I tried to swim to her,but something caught me and I drowned.The water had felt almost unreal when it touched my skin.A week later I had washed up on shore with the sand burning against my skin.I was not in my world any longer.I was in the Mortal Realms.My memory had been lost,but it has returned.

    I am Charles Wolven High Keeper of The Night.I am a resident of the Wolven Realms.From the time I was born I had rose through the ranks until I became a Wolven Alpha.Then I had met her.Sarah.She was so difficult and for some reason it had attracted me to her.I fell in love.In the end that was what almost destroyed me if the lake had not given me mercy.

    I felt the wind blow gently upon my skin as if welcoming me home.I let my muscles relax and fell over into the soft grass.It was moist,but that was fine with me.In fact that made it even better.I inhaled the sweet scent of the night blossoming flowers so common in my home land.Mainly because day never came here.I looked up at the stars and next thing I knew I heard a voice in my head calling out."Noki!I need you!".

    I jumped up and started sprinting to where ever my feet took me.Slowly my body changed with the gracefulness of the night.Next thing anyone knew a wolf with a pelt blacker than black and eyes a orange like that of the Harvest Moon roughly larger than average was running through the forest without a known destination.Somehow I ended up at the lake.I looked to the center.Under chain and hackle lay the one I loved.I looked to the stars for I knew I could not cross the lake.All of a sudden a strong wind picked up and the moon was blacked out as a large shape landed beside me.Zikariam had come."Friend will you not help me across the lake?" I asked.He nodded,"I will do my best.".He flapped his great red wings and rose into the air grabbing me in a hind claw.He flew across the Lake just dropping me onto the stone.I immediately shifted and began to try and pick the locks.I heard her muttering,"It will not work.".I realized that she was right.I sunk down and lay beside her upon the stone.Let them have me I thought.As long as they take me with her.

    I awoke.It was another dream,but this time I wasn't lieing in my bed.I was on soft grass with wildflowers surrounding me.I looked beside me and saw Zikariam.I knew one thing from the dream.Zikariam was a dragon.I slowly sat up and stretched.The ground had felt more comfortable than my bed had ever been.I took a deep breath and savored the fresh air.My eyes took in the landscape surrounding me.Rolling green hills and forest of trees that had never seen a axe.It was a beautiful land.Cept for the fact that day never came to it.Strangely I felt as if this land would not have its beauty if day came.It was a land of night and it felt safer than any place I had ever been.

    Zikariam stirred in his sleep and I decided to wake him,"Zikariam get up!".He nearly flew 10 feet into the air simply by jumping up.I fell over laughing.When I got back up he was glaring at me so hard I thought he was going to strangle me.Then he burst out laughing to.It was strange laughing with someone I had felt like I barely knew some hours ago.It felt good to be laughing with him though.As if I was laughing with a good friend.

    I looked around and breathed in the fresh night air.The stars seemed brighter than before my nap so I decided that must signify morning in this land.It was hard to actually believe the eternal night gig even with my memory back. Come on, Would you actually like for it to be dark twenty-four seven? Most average people need the sun...