• We know our position is in the city of Aravu the fledge army has some heavy resistance set up in this city but we can overcome anything.We begin walking and looking at the decrepit buildings and houses.Suddenly we hear a loud grinding sound as we turn a building seeminly explodes the cconcrete hits Jullia square in the chest i begin firingh into the building Chris get her up as she begins to come to I notice the building hasn't exploded seeing the culprit i stand at ahh a Resevar stands infront of me Resevar are man piloted battle machines that are heavily destructive and feared.We run towards a concrete building as the Resevar fires its machine guns ripping threw the dirt Chris and Jullia get in as the gun fire rips threw me and mangles the right side of my body.I begin trying to crawl with my only arm and leg damn how could this happen? my blood begins running out as i roll over facing the Resevar.Suddenly a fired grenade explodes making it stumble back then Chris runs out and drags me in the building as Jullia fires another shot off.

    He sits me down ok look this is a trick all you have to do is concentrate and that'll speed up your regenerative healing thats all come on try it.Jullia takes cover shots slice threw the concrete I begin trying to do as Chris had told me come on i scream begining to heal as new tissue,bone and nerves form i lift my half regenerated hand to my face.After a minute or so i rise up grabbing my weapon lets go now seems i was just in time the Resevar's chest plate opens exposing rockets.We flee the building as it explodes the Resevar walks away thinking the trio had parished.I offer chris my thanks as we stop from the constant strain of running he accepts then Jullia receives a message from HQ.Our target's arriving in the fledge protected zone in a couple of minuets and he has a very important CD on him.Seems like a race against time hey guys stealth is recommended says Jullia me and Chris both noded agreeing.We reach an area thats heavily fenced and protected how can we enter safely? Hey theirs a convoy truck coming this way we hide under the bridge taking cover.A convoy truck pulls up to the restricted area three guards stop and begin inspecting the truck one gaurd knocks on the window as the driver lets down the window he says he needs to make the weapons shipment speaking their language and shows them his indentification.

    The gaurds clear the truck to pass the convoy truck goes to the shipment area and begins getting very tense seeeing no one Jullia rises up aiming a handgun at him she was hiding on the floor make one move and your dead got it.Yes he says in the back Chris and Fionna sit talking so how long ahve you been on the ortial path said chris.Four years now said Fionna how about you she replied seven years said Chris responding my brother was in orb also.Oh says Fionna whats his position he was an awarded sergant so what happened to him said Fionna trying to figure Chris out.His mood changed and he began claming up the pounding of Jullia's hands on the metal sounded to them that they were clear.Exiting they were dressed in Fledge uniform Jullia meet them hurry up we got to do this now all the soldiers below the Resevar's bowed before an old african american man he walked wearing a fledge uniform his hair was gray he was walking to an area with a radian shield.Their were tanks,ground soldiers,Predators hovering and also 4 Resevar's.Myself along with Chris and Jullia communicated while in the Resevar suits we had to act now or our oppertunity my slip by.

    Some how a short hit a predator bringing it down then another shot hit an Resevar making it explode a different kind of Resevar landed it was more beast like and fearsome what the hell is going on here?

    To be continued