• I felt it beneath the palms of my hands, just wasting away into the soil, of the misplaced dust strewn hither and thither. It is warm for a while, then slowly, like all things it grows colder, and colder as it spreads thinner... and thinner. How did I get here? Emptying out like a broken egg, hollowing further... further, until there's nothing left? What I need to live is leaving me, but every memory still races through my head, every sound, every voice of reason. I can't move, there's so many people surrounding me... Asking me if I'm okay, always asking useless questions. Of course I'm not okay, so many things left unsaid, so many lives that have kept me here, impacted my very soul and entwined with me... I would die alone... No, I would die with strangers at my side, still asking these useless questions... There's glass in my hair, I can feel it trickling sickly down my face, like phantom fingers, phantom limbs comforting me... The angels caressing my face was just the blood emptying onto the unforgiving pavement. There is no light for me, just swarming tar-like darkness engulfing the world around me. My ears are ringing, and the voices all fade, the ringing grows sharper, and sharper... Leaving me to my own thoughts, my own regrets... I've wronged so many people, I just want to make it right, I pray to my god... Or what I thought was god, and I was crying on the inside... Everything was taken so fast, so sudden, I had no time to make it right... No time to take it back in person, I hoped my prayers would reach them, and if they did, hopefully they'd listen... My last thought was good bye, good bye to everyone, and everything, all my love poured out, but still it was never enough to reach them, to reach every person I've touched... Good bye... good bye to everything, so many things left unsaid... So many lives that kept me here... They couldn't save me in the end, even so I love you all, good bye... Good bye... Good bye...

    Afterword: Live in the moment, because we never know what will happen next, what the future truly holds... (my heart) once told me that you should live life like every day is your last, with no regrets, with love instead of hate... We can sometimes lose site of how important leaving on good terms can be, but anything can happen, we are in the hands of fate...