• 3/6 9:30 p.m.
    Dear Diary:
    My Daddy just said that something bad happened to our King, Ansem, and that we need to move. But the problem is that my parents aren't going with me, since my Daddy's in the army and has to stay and help with the situation, and my Mommy is staying as support for my dad. What's going on?

    3/6 11:22 p.m.
    We just came back from my Grammy's house, and there was a strange mouse there, he said he was King Mickey. The king of Disney Castle. Where's that? Anyway, my Mommy started to cry while he was talking. My Grammy wasn't too happy either... I don't like to see them like this... why won't the hurt stop?

    3/7 1:57 a.m.
    I just arrived on some island. I was dropped off at some important man's house. I think my Mommy said he was the Mayor. I won't see my family again I was told, so why aren't I crying? I wish I understood what was happening... this is all too confusing... Well, I'm tired, I should sleep...

    3/8 12:15 p.m.
    I met some really nice boys about my age today. Sora, he's my age, and Riku, a year older, showed me around the island. Then, we got some ice cream from an ice cream truck, and hung out at the island. They said that they do this all the time. I had to go home so my new Daddy and Mommy could fill out the papers for me staying here... But I'll be out later!

    7/4 (two years later) 7:00 p.m.
    I've really gotten used to it here. I feel like I've known Sora and Riku all my life. the fireworks are about to start. I wonder how things are going at my real home...It's getting hard to remember it. Pretty soon I'll start school! I'm so excited!! I really like it here, I never want to give it up...