• As I sat and looked out the window of the car that came for me, I saw my friends and peers, bid me farewell. They all knew where I was going, what I had done. They were relieved I was away from them and they were safe. I was glad too, I wasn’t around them, I could harm no one else. I couldn’t lash out on the one who mattered to me. I couldn’t repeat what had just happened.....

    I had gotten up and ready for school like any other day. I got on the bus, sat in my spot, listened to music, and gotten off at school. I went to my friends table in the corner of the caf., and I sat my stuff down and started goofing off as usual. Then he walked up.

    We had fought the night before, and I said I hated him. It wasn’t like we were going out any more or anything. The fact was, I was still deeply in love with him and he could care less. He walked up, right to her. The slut he had cheated on me with. I could feel the tears burn in my eyes, the final rejection.

    I walked up to him, tears welling.

    “I hate you,” I said in a broken whisper “ I hate you so much,” Anger and rage took over, and I punched his face with all my might. He didn’t respond. So I punched him and punched him. Hard at first, but my strength weakened. I fell to my knees crying. Weeping in to my hands. Wanting to die. My last grip on sanity had broken, and I had no control. I had probably done no harm, for I was weak, but it was all I could do. Teachers dragged me to the office, my parents were called. And I was drove away, to an insane asylum.