• As I awok from my sleep we were pinged. (pinged was a word from venurers that lived long ago that ment discovered)Warror squad 27 was a team of solders ready to fight any time any where. As we evacuated i went to the hanger ignoring anyone yelling. I took my favorite fighter, a ARK thunderbird. Now ARK ment this Advanced Recon Killer. I flew past the operators to get out into space and take out the treat. It wasnt a normal treat like a bunch of bandits looking for any valuble things i was stairing at a huge Staship. I sent a messege through my helmet "THERES NO WAY TO RUN WE GOTTA FIGHT THIS THING!" Next thing you know the communitacor becon sent my messege to EVERY FLEET in the entire Colony. (there are two sides in this war the colony and the Harvesters) in the blink of an eye every fighter we had (around 170,000) had went to join me. But this was no ordinary battle THEY had sent out every thing they had including all turrets. Soon their new fighter was out ready to destroy all in its path. it semmed like a chorus as we said OH MEH GAWD. But there was no time to relax. We were all fighting when the entire Harvester army joined the fight. Now my team was the best, I had solders that were code named AXE,SINGER,SHADOW,STORMER,and even BALISTICK.
    It was a bloody battle but everything seemed 50-50, but we had to evacuate to the planet benith us. Once we got there we went onto our Mechs. I Went into the cockpit of mech 121 nickname Slayer. once the war begun we had not evan got out of the outpost, our heavy turrets werent gonna hold it so once you got in the cockpit you left, there was no waiting for your comerades to join. After a mighty battle that nearly destroyed us all we were standng there tired. I had lost STINGER,STORMER, and BALISTICK. It was a sad day but the Harvesters were done for. We had won this war.