• It wasn't really that tragic, just... unexpected. "Rami! I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do to make you be my friend again?!" Tyler shouted, bursting into my room. I was half-asleep. "Buaaaagh! What?!?" I screamed, startled. I was trembling. Tyler walked to my bed and sat on the edge. "Calm down, calm down." He whispered. Wait, I thought. Wasn't Tyler supposed to be at the hospital?!

    I stood up, feeling light-headed. "How'd you get out of the hospital?!?!" I blurted out.

    "What? Oh, they let me out."

    "I need to splash hot water on my face. They let you out?! I must be dreaming."

    "No, Rami, wa-" I walked out of the room before Tyler could finish. When I was halfway out of my room, I looked back. "Go on," my facial expression said. "-it! You're not dreaming. I feel better." He obiediantly finished, standing up. "I still love you..." He whispered, walking in front of me. My eyes widened as he kissed my lips.

    * * *

    I was sitting on the family room couch next to Tyler, reading Fruits Basket, a popular manga. I was on Volume 5. Tyler looked at me and cleared his throat. "Rami?" He asked, his voice sounding tense. "Yeah, Tyler?" I replied, feeling kind of foolish. He said, "Um... there's something I need to tell you."