• I stared in horror and guilt as my brother Derek was lead away. A tear formed in my eye, and I wiped it away. It wasn't exactly my fault he was being lead to our grandmother's house, it was Ella's. Ella is my best friend and Derek's girlfriend. She hates him but wants a boyriend so she just keeps him. She told the police my parents just weren't worthy enough to take care of him. I'm surprised they're not leading me away.

    Ella apparently ran over just in time to snicker when he gets into the car. "So... Derek's being lead to Chicago to your grandmum's. That sure is a long way away, considering we're in Osaka." She sneered with a smile. I felt like I was about to burst. "E... Ella, I k... know this is y... your fault!" I said shakily. My body was trembling. The police car drove away. I started to cry.

    * * *

    Ella had left, leaving me alone on the front porch of my parents' house in the pouring rain. I kicked a stone across the street onto the front lawn of another house. A girl looking about nine ran out of the house and kicked it back. It hit my shoe softly. I had a feeling this kid wanted to play. I stood up and picked up the rock. I threw it as hard as I could to the little girl. She caught it and weakly threw it back. It landed in the street, making a loud BING! as it hit the cold, hard pavement.

    The little girl who was brunette like me went back inside. I did too because it started to pour. I kind of felt like the girl was my friend, and I believe she thought the same with the way she kicked back the rock. "Sooki, dinner's ready!" My mom shouted. Yes, she name me after Sookie in True Blood. She spelled it differently though.

    I decided to skip supper. I can't bring myself to eat after Derek got hauled away. Gah, I can't even think about it. "Mum?" I asked. I was lazily wedged in the sofa. She walked by with dirty dishes piled in her small hands. "Yes, my dearest Sooki?" She replied, staring at me with her wide, hazel eyes. I cleared my throat as a tear strolled down my cheek. "M... mum, I have a... a question." I murmured. "Yes, hun?" My mom repeated, softly setting down the dishes.

    I cleared my throat once more. "D... did you try t... to explain to the p... police that you and dad were i... i... i... innocent?" I asked, starting to cry. My mom stood there in silence, her mouth forming into a tight, straight line. Obiously, she was trying to ignore me. "It's none of your buisness." She said softly and harshly, narrowing her eyes. My shoulder-length hair fell out of it's loose ponytail. I shut my eyes tightly and knew I'd soon regret this. "M... mum, you better t... tell me. Or e... e... else!"