• We found a place to rest and sleep before we moved on, by noon we stumbled upon a village near the sea, heh at least Fen did, I was too busy looking at my Journal that I accidentally hit the wall surrounding the village. We looked around trying to find the opening when Q flew off, surprised, me and Fen followed him, I was concentrating too much on Q that I bumped into someone, we both fell and the bag and map he was carrying flew to the side, I rubbed my head and said.
    "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking" I said still on the ground.
    "It's ok" A deep voice said, then a hand appeared before me and he said.
    "I wasn't looking either, I was too busy looking at the map that I didn't notice you, here let me help you" The man continued, I took his hand and he pulled me up. Fen showed up panting and muttering "Slow down, geez" It was then he noticed the man standing beside me.
    "Who's he?" He asked
    "My name is Tohm" The man replied.
    "Uh, I'm Fen" Fen replied.
    "I'm Ignath" I said at Tohm.
    "What is this Village called?" Fen asked.
    "Honestly, I dunno, I'm a traveler you see and I was trying to find this place on the map, oh that reminds me" Tohm replied then looked around and found his bag and map. He looked at the map and said.
    "Ah! this Village is called Cyril, but according to the map they nicknamed it Aqua Village, mostly because its beside the sea, not many villages are beside the sea because of the dangerous sea animals" Tohm explained. Then I got an idea,
    "Tohm, wanna join us? your a traveler right? you dont mind coming with us, were searching for my sister Krystel, she's been lost for a few years and she's my only family left" I said to Tohm.
    "Really? well, since I don't have a particular place I wanted to go to, I mean, I've been wandering around and I noticed that its better traveling with companions, there are many places that are full of dangerous monsters out there. So I guess I'll come with you guys, you'll never know, I might come in handy later" Tohm said grinning. I blushed and said "Thank you" Now that I noticed Tohm is quite handsome, Tohm has long brown hair tied into a braid at the back, his bangs at each side of his face that almost reach his chin, brown eyes darker then his hair, broad shoulders, lean stomach and a small waist. (me: alot like a model hehe) Then I noticed the sword attached to his side, 'Is he really just a traveler?' I asked myself, then shook my head 'I should be grateful he agreed to come'
    "C'mon, lets go inside and see if they have jobs for us" Tohm said starting to turn.
    "Why?" Fen asked.
    "Because we need the money to buy food and shelter for the night, we might stumble into a desert, you cant eat anything there if your gonna rely on nature" He continued.
    "This must be your first time out of your own village?" He asked while we walked a few steps behind him.
    "Yeah" we both replied.
    "What about you, when did you start?" I asked.
    "Hey look that man is looking for people capable of fighting" He said pointing to a shouting man. 'He changed the subject' I thought. We walked up to the man and the man asked.
    "Can you fight?"
    "Yeah we can" Tohm said looking curiously at me and Fen. We both nodded and the man said.
    "Good, were going after the monster that has been attacking fishermen"
    "Monster? Do you know what it looks like?" Tohm asked.
    "No, one second their there then next their gone" The man said.
    "I see" Tohm said, pondering for a minute.
    "Go over to the harbor and ask the person in charge for some weapons, looks like two of your friends dont have anything to defend themselves in the sea" The man said pointing to a distance.
    "Ok" Tohm said and started to walk to the supposed harbor.
    "Wonder what the monster is" Fen said.
    "Probably something big" I replied.
    "Do you guys know how to fight?" Tohm asked.
    "Yeah we do" both me and Fen replied.
    "Good, You'll need it" He said.

    Journal entry

    At first I was suspicious of Tohm, thinking something like he was gonna do something bad to both me and Fen, but then I erased that thought, it must have been something personal, me and Fen didn't do anything bad, so there was no reason for Tohm to do anything to us, Q seems to have taken a liking for Tohm, so I guess I don't have to worry, Fen seems to distrust him though, haha Tohm's a great cook, although the food isn't ready yet, I can already smell it (me: I wont tell what happened earlier in the day, you'll see it in the next chapter) He's also quite curious about Q, he asked me what kind of bird he is, I told him I didn't know and told him about the tale of how I found Kyut! Fen cornered me today, asked me if I ever noticed the girls in our village, I told him no and he got really shocked, he told me about the girls who keep stalking me, I was surprised since I didn't notice anything... come to think of it, I keep seeing girls huddling into a corner, I keep thinking it was only gossip so I never minded, Tohm's calling me now, foods done! bet myself a five gold coins its delicious! -Ignath

    It was delicious! I owe myself five gold coins once I get paid.