• Earth:2113 AD- In the 21st century, a viral pandemic put a strangle hold upon the earth. Millions dead within months.
    Desparate for a cure, A worldwide united lab called Apollo Ind. created a mutagen, designed to combat the sickness. It worked, all of civilization was saved. Until the first arrivals of the congenital mutants came. These mutants, or "Daemons" were created by the the genes of two parents who had the C.C. (Cure Contaminant) in their blood. These Daemons not only exhibited physical differences to humans, but also hidden talents. Special powers kept appearing with the deamons, it quickly made the world leaders nervous.
    Around the same time, people in the more underdeveloped parts of the world had developed a symbiotic relationship with the virus infection. Turning them into instinctive creatures, or in worst cases caused them to fall to great physical change, dependant on their environment. These were called "Grotesques", for obvious reasons.
    The governments of the world, wanting to cover this up, created a holding center with the help of Apollo Ind. which was later called "Hollow" or the "Department of Daemon and Grotesque capture" (DDG).
    The D.D.G. were assinged to find and retrieve these creatures and bring them back to Hollow. Of course the Grotesques were agressive. However, the Daemons were all easier to capture during those times, they were still children.

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