• HL Side Story 2, Badminton Man?!

    Phys. Ed once again hit and threw Hero for a loop.

    “What’s the deal teach? What are today’s activities,” Hero asked while standing eagerly. The other students piled in along with Acqua and the others.
    She sighed, “Holy crap Hero you’re way too into this...” Trailing off she stretched, the Phys. Ed uniform fitting snugly around her slender form.

    He turned several shades of red while looking at her getting ready.
    “That may be so; however Acqua not only is Phys. Ed my most enjoyed school subject. But it also gives me a treat when conversing with you...” He too trailed off while trying not to provide any hints at to what he was talking about. Alas that did not work; she added the figures together and also turned red.

    “Now if you two could stop hittin’ on each other, I’d be glad to get started with the class at hand,” Wolf huffed, walking in between the flustered couple. Both returned to reality quite quickly.
    “Uh right,” Hero replied.
    “Yeah sure thing,” Acqua mumbled.

    The instructor announced the day’s activity to the class.
    “Alright, ya useless pieces o’ flesh today’s activity is Badminton, so go git yer birdies and rackets. Singles games are the first up,”
    Hero’s eyes brightened as a grin spread from ear to ear.
    “YES! Badminton, today’s the day I am going to challenge and defeat the legendary badminton man,” He claimed as he swung around, handling it much like a sword.

    “Hero, there’s a flaw in that plan of yours” Acqua spoke up.
    “Oh what’s that?” He questioned.
    “He only challenges those that display exceptional skill. The only skill you seem to posses in this particular sport is somehow someway you manage to fall flat on your face. And to put salt on the wound, you have yet to beat me and I’m not the best either,” She explained to him as she took a few swings of her own.

    “Thanks Acqua, but today I will challenge him and win,” He reassured her.
    “Ok I’m behind you all the way, but I still think that this attempt is~” she was cut off by the others.
    “Futile,” Wolf, Airisu and Yume concluded.
    “Geeze guys thanks,” He huffed.
    “Sorry Hero, but that’s how it is,” She sighed.

    “Alright ya bagworms, I got yer names in this here hat. There be five people per court. Roll call established twenty-four o’ ya; one group will be short one player. In light of this here dilemma I have decided to join the last group.” He explained as he began to draw names from the hat, the class cringed.

    Hero grew impatient just as the instructor finished drawing names. He wrote up the teams on the board and divided them as such;
    Airisu team one,
    Hero team two,
    Wolf team three,
    Acqua team four,
    Yume team five.

    Yume was unfortunate to have the instructor in her group first round, that and Seirgei was also lurking about within the team three as well.
    Next to the badminton man Seirgei was considered to be the best, rumours traveled about suggesting that he was the badminton man himself.

    ‘Okay so I beat all my members to move up in the court number, piece of cake! Time to stir up the courts and take names,’ Hero proclaimed within his mind as the whistle blew to begin play.

    After the first round there was a sharp squeal from the instructors whistle, everyone ceased game play.
    “Report yer wins and head to the court matching the number of them wins,” the instructor stated as he remained in court five having a score of five to zero.
    Everyone reported in, and went to the newly assigned courts. Hero wandered to court four and found himself across from Wolf with a more intense focus than before.

    “Well an interesting way to start the second round, eh Hero,” Wolf smirked.
    “Agreed, I aim to get to court five and by the looks of it you are as well,” He stated as the birdie was served. The second matches were intense; student began playing uniquely, Wolf himself used his speed to keep on par with Hero.

    “Ha you really want to get to the fifth court don’t ya,” Hero said as he returned a volley from Wolf.
    “I’m not the only one wanting to get there. Look around the few people determined enough to get to court five are; you, Acqua, Seirgei, and the instructor is determined to remain there. My guess that the final fifth court match will be one to behold,” He stated as he used the distraction placed on Hero to his advantage, scoring a point.

    “Agreed once again, you jerk, don’t score while pointing something out,” Hero huffed as he served once again.
    “All’s fair in love and war,” Wolf replied.
    “Man that’s so clichéd,” Hero sighed.
    They continued to play, neither side giving out.

    The squeal sounded again, it was the end of the fourth round, and Hero finally had five wins. Court five finally in his grasp, the Badminton man was not too far behind.

    “Holy crap that was the toughest match yet, five and zero finally, court five here I come,” He grinned with excitement.
    The fifth court team players were as followed; Hero, Acqua, Seirgei, Wolf, and the instructor him self.

    “Looks like you just made it, well done Hero,” Acqua complimented him.
    “Yeah and with the least amount of face plants to the court,” Wolf commented with a slight snicker.
    “I’m glad I made it, and what of my improved balance,” Hero asked with a slight bit of irritation.
    “Nothin’, congrats okay I’m glad to have made it as well,” Wolf replied.

    “Alright scallywags ta make the final matches of the day interestin’ it’ll be a doubles game. Since ya were the last ta approach the court Hero, the choice is yers fer a pardner,” the instructor directed with a gleam in his eye.
    “So be it sir, my choice for the partner is none other than Acqua. And my guess is that the opponents are yourself and Seirgei,” He paused for a bit. “Isn’t that right, Badminton Man,” Hero declared pointing an accusatory finger at the instructor.

    “So ya knew all along eh boy? That be some eye ya got there,” He stated as he spun at an incredible speed. He stopped to be garbed in a uniform that would have better suited him in his adolescent years. The class let out a deep gasp.

    ‘You’ve got to be kidding me...” Seirgei thought while placing his palm on his face. ‘I’ve got to play with this nut job,’ his thought concluded.

    ‘Oh Dear my eyes are burnin’, I am so glad Hero did not choose me as his doubles partner.’ Wolf thought while shielding his eyes quickly.

    “Uh Sir, don’t you think that it would be wise to play maybe in something more comfortable,” Acqua suggested, with a slightly disturbed look on her face.
    “Call me B.M. little lady,” Badminton man replied.
    “Uh okay...” She trailed off.
    “Okay B.M. I’d have to agree with Acqua on this. I requested a challenge yes, but this is too much.” Hero pointed out.

    “Are ya runnin’ chicken boy? Or are ya gonna give it yer all,” He provoked Hero.
    “Well since you put it that way, it’s Game on,” Hero declared.
    ‘Great,’ Seirgei pondered ready.
    ‘Here goes nothing,’ Acqua prepped her self.

    “My Serve,” Badminton man grinned, and with that the most terrifying, powerful and intense game that class began.

    End Side Story 2
    The Badminton man?!