• Now as the two tribes met on opposing sides of the Raquar field, all in normal human form. Falzar, a Void fur warrior looked up upon the sky and saw that the moon was slowly coming out from the dark dress that covered the light. then the moon appeared. suddenly all the furs started changing a violent change. Falzar was changing, first his ears popped up, then his nose moved forward. his teeth grew to razor sharp and his eyes turned White. then his clothes teared up, night black fur poked through the tears. his tail burst through his pants then Falzar roared a bloodthristy sound, all his clothes burst off his body, his muscles large and his claws sharp as a combat knife. once both sides transformed, the butchering began. Falzar rushed with his comrades and both sides crashed together with a sound that could tear the sky apart. All the furs used their every weapon on their body to bring the demise of the oppsite other. after a hour of the slaughter, it stopped. the field was littered with blood, body parts. in the middle of it all, stood two Furs. one Black which was Falzar, the other was the legendary White Wolf Fenrir. they were still in their wolf forms but they looked around and saw what this cheap war brought about. it brought the death of thousands of wolves. one close look at both of the wolves faces, Falzar had a white tear falling down his furry wolf face and Fenrir had a black tear falling down his face as well. the two embraced each other. the two said a word that they never said in their immortal lives. "Brother.....Im sorry."