• As i am walking home i feel the cool air on my face as i look up at the sky i see the full moon and the stars so bright and so close i feel as if i can touch them. I have a feeling of being watched as i carrie a bag of books home from the book store it is late but i know that no one will care. In my life i feel alone i can stay out all night and do what ever i wanted and no one will notice not even my family. I am lost in my thought that i can barley hear the twig break behind me. As i turn around i feel a hand going over my mouth and here some one say "don't be afraid i am here to help you" the man took a breath " Lte me tell you more about me" he said letting go of my mouth. I acted right when he sat me down and said " my name is adam night i am not here to hurt you i was sent by your parents. your real parents the humans you are with now are your adopted parents" i was so shocked that i could barely move he also told me that he was 17 same age as me and was here to help me he even found a big house we could live in till we can move me some were else he said he had come from londan and that my parents wanted to keep me but they have a secret that i will have to learn later.
    "but why did they leave me" i asked when he was done
    " because they loved you and you will learn that very soon"
    as he got up i did also he lead me to the big house that was filled with scarey things i loved it so much. i told him i want to go to bed so i picked a room. When we said goodnight and i could here his soft snores from the other room i got up and went around the house. So many spiders were here and when they saw me they ran away "i gess they don't like me" i said to myself but then i find a great old chest and i found a key i walked over to it to try the key out and i opened the chest i look inside and all my answers have been answered at that moment...........