• LycanKingsOfEden chapter 1.

    * May. 14th, 2009 at 7:45 AM

    Howl had come face too face with Kain for the first time one pitch black night on the Euphrates river.He was out hunting.Howl was different from other lycans he loved children and women.He had often wondered what it would be like to mate with a human woman but worried about the trauma it might cause her.He was more of a silent admirer.He only fed four times on the same moon on men, he particulary delighted in tearing men who defiled the woman he considered so beautiful up. He liked to eat them criminals, rapists, murderers he reveled in their fear and tore them limb from limb.Than consumed their hearts whole and stifled their blackness forever.

    Howls ears had caught the screams coming from the other side of the river instantly.A woman he snarled,He dropped too all fours and ran too where the sounds kept shrieking from. He rounded the bend along the river.There was a group of misanthropes the infected Lycans he had heard of but never seen.They were massacring a bunch of woman.Howl snapped jumped in and started slashing he wounded four of them decently in a whirlwind of movements unseen too the natural eye of any mortal. A hand caught him in midair.He looked into the face of Kain for the first time.Kain looked at him suspended in midair and snarled then his lips bent back in the most wicked smile.

    He talked in a low monotone voice as ancient as Howls.I have heard of you Lycan who lives by morals, you are a weakling kill or be killed.Howl stared at him Chose his words carefully.Why kill unless I have too survive? The mortals feel as much pain as we do why add too it.Kains face turned blood red he cracked.He took his pointer finger while Howl was still suspended in midair and lacerated his stomach all the way down too the top of his pelvis.Howls eyes rolled up in his head.Bast spoke too Kenji my son there is a battle waging on the Euphrates river go you will meet an ally.Kenji dropped too all fours he was there within less than 2 minutes.

    Kain had thrown Howl to the ground and was about too consume his heart.Kenji spoke slowly menacingly.Stop there is no honor in what you are about too do he is already unconscious.If there was one thing Bast had taught him it was too respect the dead more than the living.Kain looked at him over his shoulder you a mere werecat dare address me?He wheeled spun to his feet, Kenji was ready he had his bag of sand.He flung it in Kains eyes and than enabled the blessing of Bast.Bast had taught him too breathe fire He spewed it on Kain starting from his ankles and slowly moving up too his face.Kain howled furiously unable to fight and stumbled gawkingly into the Euphrates river.Kenji chanted the blessing of Bast which enabled him too sprout huge batlike wings. "O Great Mother Bast As From Up Above Down Below As Long As The Euphrates River Flows And The Eye Of Horris Preside Grant Me Flight So That I May Save At Least One Life.

    Kenji knelt down Howl wasn't much at raising the dead but if he didn't get back too the pyramid of Giza soon he's have too be.He picked up Howls entrails and placed them back inside of him in the right places.Pulled out his thread and needle all the while praying too Bast.He was Done!.He bound Howls waist tightly with Gauze bandages and cradled him gently and strapped him too his chest.He had already lost alot of blood he was going too lose more.Kenji had too go fast.Kenjis wingspan spread out behind him Howl was strapped too him tight with some rope.Kenji started running on the dunes along the river eventually caught a wind current and flew faster and faster until the Euphrates river just seemed like a small very long snake beneath them that never ended.

    Kenji flew over the Great Sands the astrosphinx The Nile and the Nile crocs all opening their greedy jaws too the droplets of blood seeping out of Howls wounds.They had reopened Kenji gritted his teeth cursed in ancient egyptian @#$%.Touchdown on the pyramid of Giza.Climbed down too his secret door moved a lever only he knew about. Praise our Bast Mother of all werecats ducked inside Howl cradled in his arms.Howl stirred mumbled something about O' Anubis father forgive me.Hush Kenji said you are in the house of Bast.She sent me to your aid why I don't know all I heard was ally.Kenji pulled out a cot layed him down.Unwrapped his wounds Howl"Howl" how did you know my name? I am aware was all Kenji said.

    Kenji looked straight into Howls eyes.Listen too me O great brother of Anubis I have too sew you back up I will do everything too save you but you may or may not live.Kenji put his massive paw too howls massive paw They spoke brothers in the tongue of ancient Egyptian.They held each others gaze.Kenji gave Howl a herbal concoction blackness in a sea of consciousness.Howl was running running through a long tunnel of many ancient concrete structures it was growing less black howl didn't understand but, he craved light he passed Anubis."Father he cried" O great Anubis.Anubis pointed straight up never uttering a word.Howl stirred.

    Kenji's soul told him too wake.For some reason he woke up.He crept over too Howl he was alive breathing but cold and sweaty.Kenji lay down beside him with many fur blankets made out of slaughtered animals he had eaten.pulled two more just for accuracy and fell asleep cradling Howl in his arms. They stayed like that for about a month and a half.Kenji got out of bed on a Sunday. Howl was healing well but, Kenji still had too tap 4 water veins and and hunt.Howl was still extremely sore but, he was for the most part healed. Kenji had just come in with some water and freshly slaughtered bushbuck.Howl sat up.the first thing he felt was a dull ache than a throb that burned internally.His hand immediately rose too his chest.Don't move too fast Howl kenji said you are extremely weak.Kenji sliced the bushbucks hindleg off with his forefinger and handed it too Howl.

    Howl was famished he tore into it and even ate the marrow in the hooves.Umm Howl kenji said would you like another leg?Howl gave him a scowling you know what and then said i've been through literal hell the past few days Howl went on a tangent than Kenji threw the leg at him smack landed right in his face and knocked him back out.Kenji muttered too himself well I saved your life.Howl was out cold for two hours.Woke up and ate what was still sitting on his chest.Kenji was standing in the doorway.Howl said I'm sorry Kenji it's okay your'e right I suppose I owe you an apology too.Kenji said Howl you should be well enough to run with me its the 3rd moon and you need too eat if you are going survive at all.

    Howl stood up. He pushed his massive form from his ankles knees buttocks thighs back shoulders lifting his arms high and turning his his head right and than left slowly lifted his arms above his 9 foot self and yawn/growled.He was slowly getting used too being back on his feet.Howl walked over too Kenji and smelled him.You are my brother Kenji. Kenji said.all I know is Bast told me where too find you and, I follow the mother Goddesses advice it always does more bad than good if you stray from your faith no matter what that may be.Howl and Kenji looked at each other said brothers in the tongue of ancient Egypt and shook hands in a new light.Now Brother to the sands its time too hunt and you need nourishment. They looked at each other briefly lifted their massive heads and sped off into the new moon.

    * Location:Ancient Egypt
    * Mood:accomplished


    * loup-garou,
    * werecat,
    * werewolf