• June 5, 2009
    Suprcheese: Laura aura!! :] First day of summer, babe!!
    __waitinformyrobert_: That really sucked, Amy. My name’s not even Laura. :[
    beautycutie: I agree.
    Suprcheese: When did you get here, Jess?
    beautycutie: When Lauren invited me…
    Suprcheese: Well thanx so much for making me feel stupid. >:-<

    __waitinformyrobert_: whoa, whoa guys. calm down. Chill!!
    Suprcheese: We kid, we kid. You calm down L.
    beautycutie: Yeah, Chill!
    __waitinformyrobert_: I’ll show you guys chill. Lol : biggrin
    _beautycutie: the moms makin me go with her to the grocery store! ttyl!!
    __waitinformyrobert_: Byeas, Jess. :;:]
    Suprcheese: So soon? :] Bah Jess.
    beautycutie has left the chat.
    __waitinformyrobert_: You still there, Amy?
    Suprcheese: Yes, Lauren Chaney.
    __waitinformyrobert_::: ???
    Suprcheese: Well I g2g anywayz..
    __waitinformyrobert_::: NOO!! WTF!? DON’T LEAVE ME, AMYY!!
    Suprcheese: I gotts to eat din, din! :]
    ___waitinformyrobert_::: Byeas :]:]
    Suprcheese: Don’t worry cheer yourself up with a Butterfinger. :]
    ___waitinformyrobert_::: But den I gotta go to the store, and I’m too busy wallowing in my pool of misery.
    Suprcheese: Be tough, sport! You can do this!! :]
    ___waitinformyrobert_::: Uh-huh…, sure……..
    Suprcheese: Be tough, sport! You can do this!! wink
    ___waitinformyrobert_::: Uh-huh…, sure……..

    “You know she gets on your nerves too-”
    “I’m out.” He muttered, pushing away from the table.
    “Now where do you think you are going, Mr.?!” Dad yelled.
    “None ya!” Abel ran back. I got up.
    “You too?!” Dad screamed.
    “Dad, I’m going with Abel.” I said quietly, putting my hand in his. It was tight, and cold.

    “Why do you want to run away, dears?” Mom asked.
    “You’re suffocating us. We’ll be back soon. We promise.” I whispered.
    “But where are you going?”
    “We don’t know. We’ll call you.”
    I got in the car with him.
    “Can I count on you?”
    “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.”