• The year is 1998 and the day January 26. Were the great hero are gone. Jamie hear story form her great grandmother Rin. "Jamie, what story do you want to hear today," said Rin. "The story of the Galaxy Girl please," said Jamie. "Ok then," said Rin.

    "Let start this from the beginning back on January 26, 1879. 11 high school student were walking to pizza of your pick. they were all at the pizza place when the solare clips was starting. They were watching when a giant thing fell from the sky. They looked up and they had seen a girl falling from the sky. The girl is the universe garden. They go to her and there she is laying.
    Universe garden said " 11 planets come to the bodies that is your own bodies." The girl started off in space when the planets went back in their original bodies. the girl were swaya, shaya, amber, kanaku, ash, Angel, Kenshin, Riku, Rinta, Risa and Kia, they are the girls who will trances form and save the world. They were the great warriors from the legend of the galaxy girl.
    They were reincarnated to their bodies. swaya is Luna from the Moon kingdom. Shaya is Kasuke from the Earth kingdom. amber is Nara from the Venus kingdom. kanaku is Aqua from the Neptune kingdom. ash is Nightmare from the Saturn kingdom. Angel is Flame from the Mars kingdom. Kenshin is Ken from the Jupiter kingdom. Riku is Misty from the Mercury kingdom. Risa is Light from Sun kingdom. Rinta is chilly from Pluto kingdom. Kia is Kari from the Uranus kingdom. They finally transform into the Galaxy Girl.
    Just when the girl thought thing couldn't get worse a voice came from the sky. that is saying " You will lose and parish in the flame of the darkness."
    The girl never thought of what will happen from now on, little did the girl know that the enemy got to the same school as they. As the girl were trying to think of how they got this way. Back on the other side of town the person is thinking how to rid of them, little did he know he was in love with one of them. The next day at school the girls were in different class in different part of the building. swaya has all her class in the E. building. Ryo is the boy that loves swaya ever since they met in kindergarten. Ryo is the same age as swaya but is older than Ryo. swayaloves Ryo and Ryo loves Ruth but they would never add mit it. Angel has classes in the A. part of building but she loves Ryo with all her heart. Dark is also a boy who loves swaya more than his brother did. Dark and Ryo are twins brother. They both love swaya. The school day was over and the girl were walking to the pizza place.
    When they got there Dark and Ryo waiting for swaya. Angelica was mad at swaya because she loves Ryo more. Ryo had flowers for swaya and Dark had chalcocite for his beloved swaya. swaya who only loves Ryo was so nevous so she ran out of the pizza place. As swaya ran away she ran right into a blast from the past. As swaya look up she saw Lighting. Lighting is Risa half older brother.
    swaya said " Lighting I thought you were a soldier."
    Lighting was a soldier, he was also swaya x-boyfriend. He came back from the war of 1879. The Japanese won the war against the Americans. Even those swaya broke up with him, he still loves her. Lighting is 18 years old and swaya is 15 years old. Lighting is a demo from the underworld. He is the prince of the underworld. The rule of the underworld is you can't fall in love with a human. The Earth stated to shake and swaya ran away but she was run to save the world from destruction."
    "Then what great grandmother," said Jamie. "Hold your horse Jamie I am getting old you know," said Rin. " I Know great grandmother," said Jamie.

    swaya was running, and she transformed. The voice were coming from Ninjaslayer and Elliot. The twins of evil. The twins summon a rock monster . Luna called for backup. Every one came and when they were running they swa luna flying throw the air. Ninjaslayer said "Luna will die." They all be again, and at the same time they all screamed Luna really name out. "swaya!!!" they said. Elliot and Ninjaslayer said "what." Kasuke said " swaya, come on you can't die you owe me $5.00." The girl said "What." "Never mind." said Kasuke. Elliot and Ninjaslayer turn back to normal. Same with the other girls. Lighting ran up and said " I know you were special swaya." He gave her half of his life. Ryo and Dark held swaya and said " Sorry.".

    Love was killed between Angel and Ryo. swaya now in Lighting's arms. swaya eyes started to open and at that moment lighting kiss swaya on the lips. swaya fell back in love with lighting. Ryo and Dark know they could never compare to lighting. Risa was serprised that lighting kiss swaya. swaya love lighting but because of the rule she broke up but now their love is enteral.

    "Great, Grandmother that is my fovorite story." said Jamie. "Here we are Jamie, the grave of swaya Hemora." said Rin. "Jamie," said Liz. "Mom," said Jamie. "My dear Jamie you are a hero from my bloodline." said a voice. "how is there," said Jamie. swaya appeared in front of the grave, and walked to jamie. the little girl was very surpised that swaya hemora was rin's mother. as swaya needled down she told jamie that the world was in danger once again. she hand jamie a moon neckless and said " you must say the word to become luna, the power with in show yourself and let me become luna of the moon kingdom." as swaya walked back to the grave she said " look for the over Galaxy Girl and save to world once again for the evil."

    ........................ to be continue.