• Philip ran through the dark dimly lit streets...he did not know where he was...had forgotten to ask. Anyhow, he knew he'd remember any path he could take, and remember his way back...but now he had to fake his identity so that nobody would reckognize him, and, therefore, be able to work out his plan in peace...the least the people knew about him and his problems, the better, at least untill all this was resolved...

    Some minutes later he stopped near a pub or bar...many thugs outside and he knew it was the right place...What did this mean? He had to become bad and steal ways of faster transport to do his tasks...but first that implied to become a thug, someone who he always had fought against...
    He hid his face with some type of mask and entered, started up a fight, and reduced every single man to wounded, crying babies...
    "you!" he said, pointing to a rough, thug looking guy, "...whatcha drivin', f*****t?!"...
    The guy trembled and told him it was a F150...no use...
    Philip asked another one the same question "A harley davidson..." he replied.
    "Give me your keys!" and took them from the other badass looking, trembling hand man...
    He walked out and jumped onto the motorcycle...dam it was a good one...he checked it and, surprise! A shotgun hidden in it...
    He took off along the road, remembering the bar's name. He stopped a few min later next to another one...stationed the harley beside other 2 wheelers and unscrewed the licence plate, swapping it with another dudes plate...replaced 'em, and took off again...that should buy him a pair of days.

    He found out he was in sector 5, far away from where his goal was, but close enough for Paula to have dragged him home...though he wondered what she might've been doin blocks away from home at that hour...
    Anyways...he kept his now established route and kept the halts to a minimum, to avoid being reckognized...
    Downtown, sector 2, this was his goal...and he had to leave the Harley somwhere hard to find, erase his marks and plot a strategy to follow...
    He found a subtle spot in a almost empty parking lot, and by fortune it was next to a disco he usually attended to with Audry...maybe he could find her there...
    He descended quietly beside the walls of the parking lot, dropping and getting hold of the next level below. From the right altitude, he jumped the gap to the next building, but stumbled a bit on the landing...maybe the wound did a bit more than jus hurt...he sighed.
    Swiftly and silently he entered the building, walking down corridors like a shadow...and finally arrived to the control room, where the cameras were...but he knew there were guards inside.
    Luckily there was a vent nearby, 10ft high...he put his hands on the wall, and his feet on the back wall; climbed to the top, unscrewed it with one hand(putting the screws in his pocket), pulled it out, jumped down, stood with his back to the wall (with the vent), jumped up and clung to the edge with one hand and the tap in the other, did a back curl putting his feet first into the square tube, and put the tap in its place...
    Slowly he moved to a place where he could see the camera recordings...and to his surprise there was nobody inside! He popped out the protection and slid down like a snake...did some tapping through the cams and found what he was looking for...3rd floor VIP room that was over the dance floor.

    He stepped out and silently headed that way, careful not to be spotted; but luck has it's way to spoil our doings...someone came through a door exactly when Philip was crossing in front of it! He quickly hit that person in the right spot and left him unconcius...hoping that he didn't see him...security...dam...
    He kept his pace and entered a room that was beside his goal room, spotted a vent and did the same as before; though this time used some boxes(the other wall was too far away).
    He slid to an openeing and saw her with another guy in her arms...now that he knew the truth, well, it was obvious she'd be with some company, shifting from man to man...
    They were both busy and none of 'em realized Philip climbing down from a air vent, walking to them while they kept on doin their 'buisness', nor reaching towards the mans neck...

    She was so pleased, but suddenly her guy stopped movin...as if dead..."what's wrong Jere...?" and cut fast as she saw a hand on his neck...and the man who that hand belonged to...
    "Hello, Audry..."