• American Ignorance of War

    The short story of American Ignorance of war, makes you think, “what could it possibly have to do with me?”. However, in ones naturalistic state of mind, this may seem a very, “Natural” way of thinking. But that would only occur in our country, because the countries who are experiencing those trouble said in the story, are thinking, “this HAS to do with me, so what can I do?”. Where as in the mind of Americans, we think of nothing more than getting along future in our world of money and power, there are others who are thinking of how to survive on a daily basis due to the fact of warfare in their home state. Though I can’t entirely understand the side of those who wage war on a daily basis to survive and provide, I can, however understand the concept of their fear of death the day after tomorrow.
    In my personal opinion, the main reason that Americans are so ignorant of war isn’t because we don’t think about it, or hear about it or scoff about it, its simply because this country hasn’t been at war in over 200 years. While the current model of war is to send small amounts of soldiers over to infiltrate and murder silently to complete a mission. The old fashion and currently still model of a country at war is the invasion of ones home country and place of being. If you ask American veterans from veitnam what they were fighting for, te majority will say “your freedom”. This isn’t correct what they were doing was being an invasion force on a country who was at war. They were in no way protecting our rights, standards, or morals. Is however, we, the “All powerful” united state of America, were to go to war. Our lives would be turned from what we know as a daily life of sun shine, rain, and peaceful surroundings, with a great upheaval, would be thrown into a world of chaos, destruction and horror.
    Another important point I’ve come across in my time on this planet of knowing that this reality exists. The people of those countries at war, have fitted themselves and prepared themselves for this reality. They fight, scratch, bite, shoot and kill to make sure they stay alive and ahead of the game that death likes to play. However our populace has no training, no skill, no grit, we haven’t thought about preparing ourselves, we haven’t thought about trying to fit ourselves, we haven’t thought about trying to ready ourselves for the inevitable and unavoidable truth that our country like others will become a war zone.
    In ten years time, if this country isn’t embedded with war and death, we’ll be lucky. If in the close future our country is brought to war. I have begun to plan a defense strategy, of my loved ones and loved places. If my calculations of peoples emotions and feelings and their sense of urgency are correct I can gather a large enough force to protect what is important to them all, through their and my efforts. I will encourage all who will listen, to join my cause and the cause of all people in this country to take up the arms that they have rights to, and protect their honor, their families, their lives, and their REAL freedom.